Traction prior to launching on PH

leon khoshnevis
2 replies
Wondering how many existing users or followers on social media you guys had prior to launching on product hunt? Does it help having a small community before launching VS your first ever public announcement of your product being on product hunt.


Ethan Gabriel Fitzgerald
I had around 500 users and 2k followers on Twitter before launching. Definitely helps to have some initial traction and a small community who can help spread the word when you do launch on PH. Gives you a head start vs starting from zero on launch day.
Hugo Dominic Carmichael
It definitely helps to have some initial traction and a small community before launching on PH. When I launched, I had about 500 users from doing a closed beta. The existing users helped kick off engagement on launch day which I think contributed to better visibility in the PH feed and newsletter. But I've also seen products do really well with PH as their very first launch. I think the key is to focus on making a super compelling PH page with great visuals, clear messaging, and a strong call to action. And of course, building a great product that people want!