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  • What advice would you give to someone looking to improve their daily productivity?

    10 replies


    Shadman Nazim
    @neha_8 If you're looking to boost your productivity, here are my tips: First, prioritize tasks by focusing on the most important ones that align with your goals. Second, try time blocking! Setting aside dedicated time slots for different tasks helps keep your focus sharp and prevents multitasking. And hey, even superheroes need breaks, so don't forget to take a break for a dance party to keep the energy flowing! ๐Ÿ˜…
    Lorenz Sell
    For me, having a morning routine is key. I spent a couple of hours each morning meditating and practicing yoga. I don't check my phone under much later. This helps me start my day from a clear and focused place. As an entrepreneur I'm often juggling a TON of things. Sometimes it's easy to get overwhelmed. I find it's really important to get things to completion. So sometimes that means letting some things temporarily slide. That can feel really painful. The alternative is constantly skipping between things trying to keep everything afloat. Most things can slide for a little bit and be ok. Whereas actually completing something, gets it done. Finally, I find that you can usually only accomplish between one and three big things a day. I find it really helpful to write those things out and then work like hell to make sure they actually get done.
    Jordan J. Dominguez
    @lorenzsell Ugh I needed this reminder today. I am juggling quite a lot in prep for launch and have been dropping the ball/letting some other things slide. Feeling disappointed about it, but I try to remind myself it's temporary/one of those periods of harder work and less breaks.
    Improving daily productivity starts with effective time management and prioritization. Begin by setting clear, achievable goals for each day and breaking them into manageable tasks. Utilize productivity tools like to-do lists or time-blocking techniques, and eliminate distractions by creating a dedicated workspace and minimizing interruptions. Additionally, incorporating regular breaks and practicing mindfulness can help maintain focus and prevent burnout.
    Terrence Kelleman
    I love using the Pomodoro technique which I learned about here on PH https://todoist.com/productivity... Get your to-do list and a timer. 1- Set your timer for 25 minutes, and focus on a single task until the timer rings. 2- When your session ends, mark off one Pomodoro and record what you completed. 3- Then enjoy a five-minute break. 4- After four pomodoros, take a longer, more restorative 15-30 minute break. I didn't realize that being a single Dad w 2 kids had already taught me a version of this. Example: if I knew I had to drive somewhere in 15 mins then I'd find a task that would be a challenge to finish in this time slot. Then I'd get at it in earnest! You can download this simple app that switches btwn 25 and 5 min intervals that I've found very helpful: https://xwavesoft.com/be-focused... Now I've got to get back at it myself!
    Jordan J. Dominguez
    It's hard to make lasting or effective changes without first understanding the context surrounding your existing behaviors and the changes you want to make. I like to suggest people do an audit of their existing week - track your time/energy throughout a normal week to see where it is being spent, which activities are energy gainers vs. energy drainers, and then look for how better to align your time with the version of your week that you want to live. From there, you can implement best practices and techniques depending on what you're trying to accomplish - i.e. things like the pomodoro technique, time blocking, the Eisenhower matrix, etc. It just so happens I'm working on a tool to help you understand and audit your time to align it with your intentions - called TimeAlign! We're launching here on PH in two weeks.
    Jade Grimwood
    Great question Neha (although you ask all the BEST questions!) I'd start with better underrstanding my personal motivations - what gives me energy, what drains my energy. And then organise my day around that data input. For example, I am more motivated by Breadth than Depth - so spending time in the "detail" of a problem is going to be really draining for me. So I tend to do this for small chunks of time only and I'm super strategic about where in the day/week this task would fall. Want to know more about your motivations? Go check out getmarlee.com
    Abhra Ch.
    Hey @neha_8! ๐Ÿ˜„ To boost daily productivity, I'd suggest starting with a solid morning routine. Prioritize your tasks using the Eisenhower Matrix to tackle whatโ€™s most important first. Donโ€™t forget to take short breaks to keep your focus sharp! And oh, try using apps like Trello for organizing tasks and Pomodoro timers for better time management. Happy productivity! ๐Ÿ˜Š
    Kehui Guo
    List out your todos in the beginning of the day, and reflect on them at the end of the day!
    Gurkaran Singh
    Want to boost your daily productivity? Treat your to-do list like code - debug, prioritize, and optimize for peak performance! Just like squashing those bugs, you'll be smashing through tasks in no time!