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  • What AI assistants do you use?

    Paulina Hryniewicz
    11 replies
    So many tools offer AI options now, but have you found any that are useful to your work and not just shiny, cool-sounding extras that don't add much value? I personally only use two (besides the actual AI chats like ChatGPT, Claude, and Perplexity): Survicate's AI Research Assistant knows all your customer feedback from surveys, support chats, online reviews, user interviews, etc., and can give you answers about all things user feedback. We run a lot of surveys at Survicate, too, so it's helpful to get a bird' s-eye view of all our feedback or to really narrow down some feature suggestions or improvement ideas. Sometimes (or, actually quite often), there's much more to the customer feedback you get than meets the eye, so it's worth digging in a little bit to get to the good stuff :) Brand24 AI Brand Analysis - I recently discovered it and use it to check spikes in online mentions of our brand; it gives a pretty good insight into why there might have been more mentions around a certain time. I.e. when we launched Insights Hub on June 24th, we noticed a significant spike of people talking about us online. Super interesting! Happy to hear your recommendations.


    James Wilson
    I find Siri handy for setting up reminders and checking the weather. What AI assistants do you use?
    Abel Hess
    I’ve found an AI assistant that’s great for handling customer support queries. It’s impressive how it can handle so many interactions while providing accurate and helpful responses.
    Savilia Lastero
    I really appreciate an AI tool that handles data analysis and report generation. It saves me so much time and provides valuable insights into my projects without the hassle of diving into the nitty-gritty details.
    Vincent Hager
    For me, the most useful AI assistant is the one that helps with language translation. It makes communicating with international clients so much smoother.
    So many options out there, but we needed custom ones for our projects. So we created our own tool which you can use to create custom agents to suite your needs, without coding. BTW- we are releasing it next week.
    Hazel Mathew
    I use Nation AI for organizing tasks and generating content ideas.
    Lazar J
    I realy on Grammarly for writing assistance and Jasper for content generation. They both add real value to my work.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    1. Chat GPT 2. Does Grammarly count? :D
    Markham Nolan
    ChatGPT, Perplexity mostly. I use Claude via the platform we built (getnoan.com) but rarely directly via my own. LOVE perplexity. What do people use specifically for developing strategy?
    Ronald Young
    Been using ChatGPT a ton lately for all kinds of things - writing, analysis, coding help, even casual conversation. Super useful AI assistant. Also been playing around with Claude, seems quite capable too. Have heard good things about Anthropic's AI models.