What am I doing wrong?

I have a product called ytbe.one, in short, it enables to increase interactions easily by opening YouTube links directly in the mobile application, it gets amazingly good interaction, it has an average of 5 thousand monthly users and more than 500 registered members. About 2 months ago I converted ytbe.one to micro saas and released v1.2 but no one upgrades their free plan to paid, not a single subscription has been sold. What am I doing wrong, is it expensive, or is there a problem with the features? I request you to review the pricing page of ytbe.one and give me feedback. Website: https://ytbe.one Pricing page: https://ytbe.one/pricing


Tanay from Stacks
Sticky - Your notes in the browser
Sticky - Your notes in the browser
Do you have analytics on how many video links are saved per user? After doing the v1.2 have you seen any change in the number of signups per day / per week? For the pricing page, here's what I recommend - Remove "Free" Rename all "Buy Now" buttons to "Get started" or "Start a free trial" People who are coming to the pricing page want to understand pricing plans and what it each offers. If I look at the pricing options and free ones, I will click on Try it for free to check it out, I will not directly click on "Buy Now" unless I specifically want daily clicks, etc analytics. Most users will start with 1 channel and a few video links which is more than sufficient in the free plan. Your upgrade is highly dependent on up selling from the free plan - so from the dashboard, emails etc.