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  • What are all the biggest challenges for startup founders when managing a team?

    35 replies
    For me, I've got a lot going on, so I usually don't have much time to follow up on tasks. Some people in my team are working in different time zones, which makes collaboration even tougher. What's yours?


    It is very difficult to balance your key work and management, so it is recommended to find someone with stronger driving force at the beginning and reduce the energy of management.
    Alexander Galitsky
    Deciding what to order for lunch.
    Nupur Tevatiya
    It is tough to work remotely in the starting phase while building a team as communication is the key but still you have to catch up a lot with everyone which is time consuming as compared to if you are working in an office.
    Sean Parker
    Launching soon!
    My main job is at a startup company, but I’m not the founder. The CEO who I work for hasn’t shown any results over the past six years. If I were a founder and hadn’t shown any results, I would be concerned about how I could provide trust and vision to my employees.
    Tiger L
    Maintaining team morale. Startups often face uncertainty, which can make it hard to keep the team motivated and engaged. Also, while delegating responsibilities, founders may struggle with delegating tasks, often trying to do everything themselves.
    Alexander Kovalov
    I think managing hiring and firing is the most difficult part. As Gary Vee says: 'Hiring is guessing, and firing is knowing.' And it can be painful, especially when a team member is performing well but you still need to make a cut, or when you're eliminating the weakest 5% every quarter. However, it's an inevitable part of the game.
    Max Zhang
    I would say balancing priorities. Founders must juggle multiple responsibilities, including product development, fundraising, and team management, which can be overwhelming.  
    Katerina Dedyulya
    mostly explaining. i ve got so many ideas and some of them are so chaotic haha
    Moaz Ahmad
    Launching soon!
    Where to put the budget and which can give the best result. Most of the time, work is too much so its quite hard to manage resources and prioritize tasks.
    Kelly B. Menchaca
    Balancing task follow-ups can be tough, especially with a busy schedule. I’ve found regular check-ins help keep everyone on track.
    Milad Ranaei
    Managing a startup team has its challenges, like communication across time zones, task follow-up, maintaining motivation, hiring and building culture remotely. How do you handle time zone differences?
    @milad_ranaei It is tough, we are building something to help the founders communicate with their teammates even when they are in different time zone.
    Magomed Vedzizhev
    Use Task Management Tools. Tools like Asana or Trello can help you track tracks without needing constant follow-ups. Of course automate Reminders!!
    @magomed_ved What type of reminders you prefer push notification or email?
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    I think it is a synchronicity. When you have many people in a team and tasks are distributed, you can know less about what is really going on.
    Iris Carr
    Time zones are a real challenge! I struggle with coordinating meetings when everyone is scattered across different regions.
    Peyton Walsh
    Dealing with different work styles and communication preferences can be a real challenge. Any tips on how you manage to streamline team collaboration?
    @peyton_walsh We are using a team collaboration tool Swatle, you can check it out https://www.swatle.ai/
    Elsie Ramsey
    Hi there! From my experience, one of the toughest parts of managing a startup team is balancing everyone's roles and keeping everyone motivated. It’s easy for things to get chaotic without clear responsibilities.
    Nathaniel Cross
    Managing a startup team can be really challenging when it comes to handling conflicts. Since everyone is working closely, disagreements can arise frequently, and resolving them quickly is key to maintaining harmony.
    Amelia Waters
    I’ve noticed that startup founders often struggle with setting clear expectations. It’s crucial to communicate goals and deadlines effectively to avoid confusion and frustration among team members.
    @amelia__waters Nice one! Startup founders always want to complete tasks faster, which may frustrate the team
    Aligning the team, keeping everyone motivated through ups and downs, and making tough prioritization decisions. Lunch orders are easy in comparison!