What are some design tools you use?

Doğukan Demirel
11 replies
I actually use Figma mostly for design purposes. In addition, I use Lightroom classics to edit images. For video animations, Rive is my favorite. But I still use pen and paper as the most important tool. What do you think about this?


Dima Groshev
I primarily use Figma, and occasionally utilize Photoshop, Illustrator and After Effects :)
Phu Ngo
Pen and paper sketches, then use AI to flesh it out.
Deepshikha Dhankher
Figma is excellent for design collaboration, Lightroom for image editing, and Rive for animations. The use of pen and paper for brainstorming is timeless. Have you considered using Adobe XD, It's good for interface design and prototyping. 🎨
Shunsuke Sakata
I am not a designer but I use figma !
Figma and Miro for UX writing and content design. Canva for graphic design. Elementor for web design.
Nick Stein
A little bias here but CI HUB Connector.
Daniel Burns
We use Figma and Adobe Acrobat Pro.
David Wright
Even though I'm not a designer, I utilize Figma!
Figma for web design, Mega Creator to create quick designs!