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  • What are some micro-projects that you've developed to drive traffic to your primary project?

    Elsie Alkurabi | Micro
    2 replies
    For example, we have two apps: 1. Micro Fitness: https://justfitness.io/ 2. Micro Nutrition We created Gym Tools: https://gymtools.io/ in order to drive traffic to our main projects. So far the reception has been great! We're looking to add a newsletter form at the bottom to gather qualified leads. And also expanding GymTools to not only have a plate calculator, but also protein, macro, etc tools. I'm curious what mini-SaaS and other mini-projects you've created to do the same :)


    Darwin Binesh
    I created thelevleups.com to curate and analyze modern business news. A lot of the subscribers were friends of mine in tech. As they faced layoffs, I created a form and send resume reviews (loom videos) to the ones who filled it out. I then turned it into resume.thelevelups.com to help more people land an interview. Interesting experiment / micro-project. It's brought decent traffic. Subscribers from that traffic are awesome though - the most engaged group for sure! Got a few more planned. This is is just one example that really hit home with a sub-set of my subscribers. Good question! Following other answers.
    Himanshu Jain
    The types of business is different and though we work with tech industry but mainly for recruitment of tech talent. Our main company is ReachExt K.K. (https://www.reachext.co.jp/), which has grown substantially since it's founding three years back. one year back we decided to go for the approach you mentioned - to have another website solely for the purpose of driving more traffic for the main business. However, on the mid-way, we thought that it would be better if it can serve two purposes - and while driving any traffic, it can also become an independent business. We launched https://www.employmentjapan.com/... 4 months back to serve both these purposes. Funny, how things can change directions for greater benefits.