What are some of your unusual productivity hacks?

Andrei Costea
73 replies
Everyone talks about productivity, meditation, cold showers, morning routines and what not. What are some unusual activities that WORK for you and keep you flowing?


Elizabeth Tishchenko
It may seem unusual, but works just fine. I go to a coffee shop and choose a comfortable spot where others can see what I'm working on. While no one is particularly interested, I prefer to avoid watching videos, scrolling through SM or doing work-unrelated activities. In a coffee place, there are few distractions, you can just order another cup and sit at your table grinding away.
Andrei Costea
@elizabeth_tischencko that sounds cool! Might give it a try, thank you🙏
stoica stefan
The good old if something takes less than 5 minutes, do it now. Another clasic is to eat the frog in morning to avoid any anxiety later that day.
Andrei Costea
@stoica_stefan I've been trying the eat the frog technique, but didn't end uo as expected😅 I'll actually try the hardest task next days; thanks🙏
Svitlana Palamarchuk
Hey Andrei! Great question! One unusual productivity hack I use is called "the two-minute rule." Basically, if a task takes two minutes or less, I do it immediately instead of putting it on a to-do list.
Andrei Costea
@svitlana_palamarchuk Neat! I will incorporate it. Thanks🙏
Uma Venugopal
A bit tangential, but beetroot juice in the afternoons to combat brain fog.
Andrei Costea
@uma_venugopal I've heard that beetroot juice is good for all sorts of things, never knew it helps with productivity. Thanks🙌
Yogesh Joshi
Some good instrumental music helps - especially when I want to cut off and be 100% focused.
Andrei Costea
@yogesh_joshi9 I've used classical music before; what kind of instrumental music are you listening to?
Antoni Kozelski
During work, I listen to calming music, take a short break every hour or so to clear my mind, and break large tasks into smaller tasks so that I can focus on one thing at a time. I've also found that setting aside a specific time during the day to do one specific task can help me stay focused and motivated.
Andrei Costea
@antonikozelski wooow! What kind of music are you listening to? Also, breaking a bigger task in smaller tasks is new to me! Thank you!🙏
Antoni Kozelski
@andrei_costea2 mostly with the title "Meditating" You can some great examples here --> https://www.youtube.com/@CalmWhale
Navin Peiris
I do all my meetings and whatever else that might distract me as soon as I start my day so that I can block out the rest of the day to work on tasks that require more concentration and/or thinking. I still get disturbed once in a way, but at least I’ve minimised the chances of it as much as possible.
Andrei Costea
@navinpeiris neat! I can't schedule my meetings however I want, but I guess the point would be to separate focused work from admin work, right?
Odessa Holland
So here are some my tips to you: 1.Take a cold shower - this can help wake you up and increase alertness. 2.Work in 25-minute intervals with 5-minute breaks in between (known as the Pomodoro technique). 3.Use a standing desk or exercise ball as your chair to keep your body active while you work. 4.Listen to instrumental or ambient music to help you focus( personally Doja Cat music help me with that lol). 5.Use the "two-minute rule" to tackle small tasks immediately rather than putting them off. 7.Use the "eat the frog" method by tackling your most difficult task first thing in the morning. And I always every morning drinks some vitamins which I buy here https://www.canadapharmacy.com/ but u can buy it anywhere u want . This really makes me more productive !
Andrei Costea
@odessa_holland awesomeee!! Already doing the cold showers, never thoughr about using an exercise ball while sitting. Thank you🙏
15-30 mins of video games!
Andrei Costea
@vladislav_pavlenko lool, haven't played any games in sooo long, might give it a try, thank you🙏
Chewing gum helps you concentrate apparently, otherwise, I've been living a lie 😂
Ângela Guedes
using your calendar as you to-do. Time does not expand, so when you schedule your tasks two things happen: 1. you are very aware of how much you can accomplish in your day and what you're prioritizing 2. we all live in our calendars, so it's literally impossible to miss your top priority goals.
Andrei Costea
@angelaguedes the calendar is still a foreign tool to me, got to use it more; thanks🙏
I play a movie I've watched before in the background while I work. It's like a substitute for music but helps me focus.
angel william
Setting visual reminders.
Uninstalling Instagram!
Andrei Costea
@jeeiee impossible😂 all jokes aside, I use it for work sometimes, but it's sad how the scroll-phenomena is wired into my brain
Business Marketing with Nika
I know that this may sound more like procrastination, but for me, it is going for a walk. When I am stuck and can't squeeze more, I have to switch to another activity.
Alan Jenkins
Taking a cold shower in the morning. It may sound unpleasant, but it helps me wake up and feel energized for the day.
Andrei Costea
@alanjenkinsaz started doing that lately, right after doing Wim Hof breathing💪
Power naps work for me. And a hot shower with good music.
Andrei Costea
@divya14 it takes me 30 mins to fall asleep🥲
Amanda Wang Valentine
- Grounding mat under my desk. Grounding’s like from walking barefoot in nature, a flow state hack - Brain.fm has a selection of binaural beats esp for ADD. You can choose genre and adjust settings to maximize neural effects. It’s ambient music and got enough novelty at a subconscious level to keep you engaged. - Novel sensory stuff that I swap out periodically so gets enough novelty input without leaving the current work eg texture on water bottle - Not changing stuff in my eye line around my office so my brain isn’t like oh something new let’s allocate some processing to that - Noting my energy/focus and doing the linear when focus is easiest
Andrei Costea
@amanda_wang_valentine wooow, these are some neat hacks! Thanks🙏
Andrei Costea
@felicia_singleton Already doing it as much as I can. Thanks 🙏
Carol Andrews
Hack have you screen set so it will read your emails or the content showing, to u while doing another job on the list, with an AI email response/ action. Not a hack but I wish it was lol. Having a written diary with replaceable pages. that can synced with a mobile app! Plus all the apps u may be using maybe via NFC, even with your barcode business card qr code on each page. That you can you get to read your notes to you, with voice record, text to type and type to text a mini printer, making it adhd friendly, keep them both about to organise you, when this is invented remember me and give me free life membership! That anyone can afford. Sorry I know this is hacks but a girl can dream.