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  • What are the best resources for startup founders?

    Olena Bomko
    29 replies
    I read a lot of resources on LinkedIn, X, and here. Podcasts and case studies are good for me, too. I created free resources for startup founders, too. ✅ LinkedIn Profile Checklist ✅ LinkedIn Growth Checklist ✅ B2B Buyer Persona Template ✅ Product Hunt Launch Checklist ✅ 140+ Social Proof Examples ✅ 60+ Directories to Promote your Startup (I have a 500+ list. But I chose the best for you). https://olenabomko.gumroad.com


    Larry Kim
    Podcasts like How I Built This are my favorite. They're packed with inspiring stories and valuable lessons.
    Federico Zuluaga Knorr
    I like to be inspired by the stories of other founders and to learn from both successful and unsuccessful stories. I also find the interaction with others in my industry and with potential target groups very valuable. Other than that, of course: - Startup/technology newsletters and podcasts - Articles on Crunchbase, Medium, etc. - HackerNews, Reddit (sometimes) and of course Product Hunt And local startup events, founder meetups, conferences and trade shows are very underrated in my opinion.
    @federico_zuluaga_knorr hackathons and meetups are truly underrated. A lot of exchange of ideas happen
    Abhra Ch.
    Hey @olenabomko! 😊 Great question! For startup founders, I'd recommend checking out 'The Lean Startup' by Eric Ries and Y Combinator's Startup School. Both are treasure troves of insights and practical advice. 😄 Also, don't miss out on Paul Graham's essays; they're gold! Happy reading and best of luck with your startup journey! 🚀
    Neel Patel
    @olenabomko @abhra_ch I believe that the Lean startup was the most relevant when it came out but it's not enough now. We discussed about the concepts in the book in detail and how they are irrelevant on this episode: https://youtu.be/FoIB0u03aVA
    Abhra Ch.
    @neelptl2602 Definitely gonna check it out 🤔 Also Launching soon guys. Would really appreciate your support 🤞 (https://www.producthunt.com/prod...)
    Ankur Sharma
    If you are looking for practical insights and want to learn from someone who has done it before, you can check out WiseAdvizor.com, where you can connect 1:1 with startup mentors, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders for personalized guidance.
    Neel Patel
    I'll shamelessly plugin my podcast since it's the most relevant for founders in today's day and age. Since it's something we all are figuring out ourselves and sharing the learnings that make sense right now. Links in my profile.
    Thomas Yanik
    @neelptl2602 what is your podcast, would you mind sharing the link, who knows it turns out to be good.
    LinkedCRM AI
    LinkedCRM AI
    Thank you for sharing so many valuable resources!
    Andrey Belousov
    Google Keywords Planner or something for Keywords Research. Understands better to understand the market: user needs.
    Annie Engelhardth
    LinkedIn can be a treasure trove for startup info, but it's easy to get overwhelmed. The checklist mentioned here sounds like just what I need to focus my browsing.
    Kostya Bolshukhin
    Hubspot Academy and blog are a great source of basic but practical guides on marketing and sales Like the article on Li outreach with templates https://blog.hubspot.com/sales/b... "Learn Design & Design Basics" by Figma is a great way to start figuring out how to do good design. https://www.figma.com/resource-l... Also would recommend YC videos and lenny's podcast to learn from the best in the industry. YC how to get first customers video:
    Lenny's interview with Jason Fried from 37 Signals (Basecamp)
    Armind Hash
    It also have a Product Hunt launch checklist? That's amazing! This could be the difference between getting noticed or getting lost in the crowd.
    Christian Onochie
    I find podcasts about entrepreneurship really helpful for gaining insights and inspiration.
    Charlotte Combes
    I often check out YouTube channels dedicated to startup growth for practical advice and tutorials.
    Thank you for sharing, exactly what our team needs at this stage Ps. Everyone's comments also inspired me a lot💡
    Yvik Ye
    Thanks for sharing! Your insights are awesome!
    Alexandre Contador
    Videco - AI Personalized Video
    Nice list of resources! I highly recommend getting all of them 🙌 I have a couple too that may be interesting.
    Julia Watson
    I love browsing LinkedIn for startup insights. It's filled with practical tips and real-life stories from entrepreneurs
    Aaron hailey
    The Lean Startup by Eric Ries is a must-read! It's all about building and growing your startup efficiently.
    Lisa Stanley
    Harvard Business Review has great articles on strategy and leadership. It's a goldmine of knowledge for any founder.
    Marcus Hubler
    Attending startup events and conferences is key. Networking and learning from others can be incredibly valuable.
    Marina Morris
    YouTube channels like YC's Startup School offer free lectures and talks that are super informative.