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  • What are the best ways to acquire new customers for a SaaS product?

    Austin Armstrong
    9 replies


    Samantha Den
    Partner with industry influencers or other businesses to reach new audiences through joint promotions.
    Indu Thangamuthu
    It depends on your product, market niche and budget... but also make sure, it's a mix of strategies.
    Steffi Nicolaïdes
    Personal branding on Linkedin is underestimated!
    Swarna Hebbar
    Boggl.ai-Your Voice AI Product Assistant
    Boggl.ai-Your Voice AI Product Assistant
    Following this!
    Adeeb Malik
    Now this is a tricky one. It greatly depends on the niche and your target audience. I'll take the example of Syllaby. I'm assuming things based on my view of the product. 1. The target audience is People who need to create videos like marketers, social media execs, individual content creators, etc. 2. Since the product does not need to educate about the problem it fits like a missing puzzle piece. Coming to how I'd take this ahead is: 1. Cold reach: I believe this would be the first approach I'd take and directly get involved with marketers, social media execs, digital peeps, even founders, etc. 2. Social Media: I as a consumer would need to see it in action, what better way than to see the videos created (YouTube, etc.)? In the end, it could be a line - you can build videos like this with Syllaby, etc. Moreover, the content created can be repurposed (if needed) or directly shared across other social platforms. 3. Building an organic reach: Many do not give this attention, but it should be one of the key strategies. I'll focus on this for starters, and hopefully get new customers. Let me know if this makes sense and if I'm in the right direction...!
    Steve Troy
    Implement a referral program to encourage existing customers to recommend the product to others.
    Zackary Mendez
    Offer free trials to let potential customers experience the product's value before committing.
    Yunusa Abdullahi
    Contact social media advertising to target specific audiences who might benefit from the SaaS product.
    To acquire new customers for a SaaS product, focus on targeted marketing, leveraging content and SEO, and providing clear value propositions. For dbest practices of SaaS product design , check out Digiteum's guide https://www.digiteum.com/best-pr.... It offers practical insights on user-centered design, intuitive interfaces, and scalability, which are essential for attracting and retaining customers. Combining effective marketing with thoughtful design will enhance your SaaS product's appeal and success.