What are the best WFH tools in your opinion? Do you use any?

10 replies
Many of us were not accustomed to the remote working environment. But since the pandemic we were forced to explore the WFH culture. Personally, I found it really difficult to communicate efficiently with my collogues, but then I started using the Google tool kits and it helped me a lot. So, what are the best WFH tools in your opinion? Do you use any?


check out https://timz.flowers for async video meetings. communicating with your team in flowers can save you much time and you stay closely connected.
@timz_flowers sure...will check that out!
@roy_outgrow cool, I would be super interested into your feedback!
Nico Spijker
I happen to work for one! Rock was purpose built to help remote teams communicate and collaborate better. Asynchronous by default and synchronous when needed we aim to reduce the number of notifications and direct communication needed to work together (think continuous messages or back-to-back videoconferencing meetings). Instead, people should be able to have flexibility and stay productive through other means of communication as well. By incorporating tasks, notes and messaging on one platform it saves you a lot of time that would else be spent switching tools and setting up/updating different workflows. Besides that, in a lot of tools it's also surprisingly difficult to work together with people outside your organization (think freelancers, partners, clients...) we tried to tackle this by making the workspace open to anyone, so you can directly work together with whoever :) A connection to G-Drive also allows you to connect your Google documents and have enough storage for anything, we also have a Zoom integration, so you can directly start a meeting in any workspace without the hassle of having to look for links! Leaving you a link in case you want to check it out, it's totally free to sign up! https://rock.so/product Hope this helps and in case you checked it out I'd love to hear your take on it!
Chain Reaction
@nicolaas_spijker yes i did drop messages multiple time in Rock Team spaces , but i get zero response untill now.
Chain Reaction
@nicolaas_spijker i am using this for past two days , it does not sync instantly, and i cannot download images pictures from task to my phone.
Nico Spijker
@chain_reaction Thanks for the feedback! Would you be able to drop a message referring to this in the "Rock team" space? Then I can help you out further and see how to fix this :)
@nicolaas_spijker Wow! Thanx Nico! Will definitely give it a try.
Isabel Nyo
Second Brain for Engineering Managers
Second Brain for Engineering Managers
I've used Google Docs and Google Sheets pre-WFH, but I've been using them differently since WFH - as remote whiteboarding and collaboration tools, not just as document and spreadsheet. I've also started using Notion as a productivity system for personal projects. Other tools that I am using are pretty standard - zoom, slack, loom, etc.
@eisabai Notion? That's something new to me! will check it out! Thanx!