What are the pros and cons of multitasking?
Tariq Waseem
8 replies
Roland Marlow@rmarlow
Last Plannr
People can't actually multitask well. You can't actually work on 2 things at once. Your mind will focus on one and then it has to refocus on the other thing you're "multitasking" on.
You're better off focusing on one task at a time, completing it and then moving onto the next thing.
There are only advantages; I don’t know any disadvantages to multitasking.
You lose some focus when you switch between tasks. Your mind can not fully move on and block out thoughts/distractions from the previous task. Basically you leave attention residue on each time you switch between tasks
For me, while it may seem like Multitasking is a valuable skill, the reality is that it may be doing more harm than good.
Anw, it varies based on each person.