What are the Top Tech Innovations of 2023 from your perspective?
Ama Hrubaru
6 replies
Join the discussion as we delve into the most groundbreaking tech innovations of 2023! Discover the game-changers, share your insights, and celebrate the advancements shaping the digital landscape.
Jake Harrison@jakeharr
ChatGPT and Vision Pro
Everything related to AI. Was there something else?
ChatGPT became a mainstream tool, and as a result, the growth of AI tools. It's like AI everywhere :-D
@juliasuontama indeed, AI is everywhere... but I'm trying to find out what are the most powerful AI tools and also if any app before AI or an app that's not using AI is in the top :)
Has to be ChatGPT and LLMs. Sort of reminds me of the early days of bitcoin.