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  • What are you doing as you start a new week? What kind of working order are you following?

    Buse Ba艧ar
    33 replies


    Gear贸id Ged Carroll
    My day starts the day before when I come up with a task list for tomorrow including meetings, calls that I have to make, tasks to be done and reviews of others tasks that I help refine. Things change as I move on. In order to kick start my system I drink Hong Kong style milk tea and listen to news podcasts
    I don't have a strict working timelines to follow but I plan my daily to-do lists ahead of the week and alter on the way depending on the task progress.
    Buse Ba艧ar
    @canberk_ars So you're working on a weekly plan, right?
    Brady Lewis馃
    @canberk_ars It's amazing how important to-do lists are. If I don't at least have some kind of list of tasks to keep me focused, I will be off playing hopscotch with the neighborhood kids or something :)
    Luka Dimitrijevi膰
    I am mainly working on goals that can improve user experience and expansion. After that I usually take meetings and do daily tasks.
    Buse Ba艧ar
    @lule29 Do you organize your daily work? or are you going in the order you want
    Luka Dimitrijevi膰
    @buse_basar I have a monthly, weekly and daily tasks. Daily tasks include expansion and user exp. which are done first. After that, I am doing my weekly tasks in the order from the most important to less ones as the week progresses. If I'm done with every task before the week ends I either take a break and just do my daily tasks or add myself some new ones on top of that. I hope I was clear since English is not my native language.
    Shreyas Iyer
    Launching on Product Hunt! Great way to start a week :)
    Buse Ba艧ar
    @shreyasiyer Hahaha, it's definitely a nice habit to start every day this way馃槃 especially for the streak part
    Brady Lewis馃
    This is going to be a hectic week, so I will do my best to stay focused, but will be understanding that some weeks are more difficult than others.
    Buse Ba艧ar
    @brady_lewis1 What is the reason for the intensity that will occur this week?
    Brady Lewis馃
    @buse_basar Totally unrelated to work. My girlfriend is a party planner and she planned a party AT OUR HOUSE this weekend :)
    Focusing on our landing page this week, the design, wording, layout etc. I need to do better about setting daily tasks and goals. I have weekly goals and weekly meetings with my co-founder, but I tend to do all the week's work all at once instead of a little bit every day. I think daily work would be more consistent and valuable.
    Shekhar Iyer
    its good to have a intention for the week. When we have a intention or a bigger goal for the week then each day one can focus 60% of the time time on the Thing That Moves the Needle
    Lacey Winter
    Coffee first! Then I make my overall week list and break it down into task to accomplish today. Review my meetings calendar and see if there are any tasks I didn't get to at the ending of the previous week.
    kylee jenner
    I am mainly working on goals that can improve user experience and expansion. After that I usually take meetings and do daily tasks. https://kotacs.com/
    Deep Dave
    Working on establishing a data pipeline and working on how to engineer one of our CORE features!
    Ekrem 脟etinkaya
    I spend my first couple of hours to plan my week. I do the same every day, and at the end of the week I reflect back. All these help me to come up with a realistic planning
    Mehmet 脟etin
    I started following a strict Calendar that has all my work hours planned, giving me a 30mins of free time daily. I am pretty happy, and my growth, and delivery speed increased.
    Edun Kerry
    I plan my incoming week and work on my passion projects on weekends and every task that couldn鈥檛 get completed is getting rescheduled on my Notion dashboard
    Pengcheng Zhang
    checking emails and responding to urgent matters before diving into projects and meetings.
    Jacob Si
    Spending some time on figuring out the To-Dos helps
    Chaitanya Badave
    Exploring New SaaS Tools & Giving Them a Spin!
    zhang hujian
    Interesting! I believe this product is extremely valuable, as it enables the rapid creation of mobile apps using a no-code approach, even non-technical individuals can easily operate it
    tawheed abdul-raheeem
    Now that my product is ready and live on the market - the biggest thing on my to do list is to get out of my comfort zone to record content for tiktok
    Antoni Kozelski
    I'm starting the week by setting goals and making a plan. I'm looking at my calendar and break down my tasks into smaller pieces to make sure I stay on track. I also make sure I prioritize my tasks to make the most of my time :)
    馃敤 Travis Page 馃敤
    KPI checks, roadmap checks, unblock everyone I can, adjust team tasks as necessary for the week, assign my own tasks (1 big block per day)