What are you doing differently in 2023 than you did last year?
Bren Kinfa 💎 SaaS Gems
11 replies
Are you planning on doing anything differently this year than you were doing last year?
For example - do you have any new direction you want to move in? Any new strategies or techniques you'd like to try?
Share below!
Dennis Crane@dennis_crane
Not me specifically, but I see many of my colleagues have started using ChatGPT-based services to generate marketing content: videos, articles, social media posts.
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I’m sleeping at 10pm and waking up at 5am! I was sleeping at 1am and waking up at 8am, and it’s made an incredible difference.
Having a strict sleep schedule is one thing i had planned to do this year. Going good so far.
Hmm, I'll do a deep research on my target audience for a physical product.
planning to utilise the AI tools to organize the tasks and works...
Decktopus AI
Focusing myself more than last year :)
In this year i am working with on one of my favourite company Taxis Thame.
In 2023, I've taken on a new endeavor that has brought a significant change to my life. This year, I've been dedicated to working on my very own website, which can be found at https://eternityaestheticsmedica.... It's been an exciting journey filled with learning opportunities and growth as I explore the world of web development. I'm passionate about sharing valuable information and resources related to body lift procedures, and I'm thrilled to have a platform where I can connect with others who share similar interests. It's a project that has brought me immense joy and fulfillment, and I'm excited to see where it takes me in the future.