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  • What are your favourite online communities?

    Dhruv Bhatia
    7 replies
    What communities do you go to to find like-minded people, friends, etc.? Some communities that I frequent are Product Hunt (obviously), Indie Hackers, and All Things YC (Discord community). Looking forward to know what cool communities you're part of!


    Ruben Lozano
    Besides Product Hunt, Indie Hackers and the Growth Hackers Community, Slack channels and Circle communities like: - Growth Tribe. - Growth Mentor. - Reforge. - Growth Blazers. - LaunchTeam. - PLG (Product-Led Growth).
    Dhruv Bhatia
    @rubenlozanome this is a great list Ruben, thanks :). Any observations between Slack/Discord communities vs Circle? Have you noticed the engagement be lower for Circle communities?
    Ruben Lozano
    @dhruv_bhatia the three of them are different... It might be lower because it doesn't have a desktop version, but is not my case. I guess is like a habit and nothing else... I check all of them even when the device/channel/app is different. What do you think?
    Dhruv Bhatia
    @rubenlozanome interesting. I've typically been more active on discord communities as opposed to others. I guess Discord and Slack are quite close for me but all others feel really static
    Fabian Maume
    LUNADIO Measure camp (even so physical events are better than the online one)