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  • What are your goals for June? 🎯

    Marina Đurić
    132 replies
    For me, May is the leading work month for sure! Here's my list: - Optimising the sales process - Creating content for Li - Going 3x a week to the gym - Running two races 5k - Reading 2 books - 6 exams What's your to-do list or focus of the month


    Tony Yan
    Content Quality Score(E-E-A-T)
    Content Quality Score(E-E-A-T)
    - Improve QuickTable user onboarding process - Acquire 100 users for QuickTable - Write 2 articles on medium - Run 150KM - Reading 1 book
    Tony Yan
    Content Quality Score(E-E-A-T)
    Content Quality Score(E-E-A-T)
    @marina_djuric I plan run totally 150KM in June.
    Marina Đurić
    LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
    @zhitao_yan That's a hefty to-do list good luck! And are you planning to run 150 km in total for June or in one go?
    Marina Đurić
    LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
    @zhitao_yan makes sense, good luck!
    The only goal is to have a successful launch of Curatora on PH. Nothing else. https://www.producthunt.com/upco...
    Yuri Lisin
    @imtiyaz922 Best of luck
    Marina Đurić
    LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
    @imtiyaz922 good luck on the launch!🍀
    Shebuel Inyang
    - Complete Linux Professional Open Source Management Course - Sleep more - More time for recreation - Read more Open Source Related articles
    Marina Đurić
    LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
    @shebuel_inyang sounds like a great plan! I found more time for recreation after I started to wake up early, maybe try shifting some habits around to have more time.
    Shebuel Inyang
    Thank you @marina_djuric. That should work for me too. Will emulate 🤗
    Daniel Engels
    - Writing 3 detailes tech articles - Onboarding 2 new team members - Launching a closed beta of a cool new feature - running 5 kilometers in less than 22 minutes
    Marina Đurić
    LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
    @daniel_engels Those are some very specific goals that's great! Good luck on the launch and everything! Running 5 kilometres in 22 minutes is insane, I can run 5 km in 30 minutes for now and I'm trying to get it to at least 25 minutes before the race at the end of June, but I'm not that consistent in training.
    Vladislav Zhuravlev
    We are launching our new product on PH in June, so everything is actually related to the preparations. Follow me to find a new product for marketers and brands soon :)
    Marina Đurić
    LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
    @yuryfication @vladislav_zhuravlev Good luck to both of you for the launches!🍀
    Yuri Lisin
    @vladislav_zhuravlev Good luck with your launch, we also plan to go live on PH early June
    Vladislav Zhuravlev
    @yuryfication Thank you, and good luck to you too!
    Igor Stankovic
    LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
    Getting married :D
    Marina Đurić
    LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
    @igor_stankovic the most wonderful goal of this thread! 😍
    Jennifer Guerra
    My main focus this month will be our PH launch (here's our upcoming page: https://www.producthunt.com/upco...). After that, I'm gonna focus on creating new content for our social media and blogpost. I also wanna get more sleep and go swimming at least 2 times a week :)
    Marina Đurić
    LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
    @jennifer_guerra good luck on the upcoming launch!🍀 After the launch definitely take some time to rest and do some recreation that brings you joy. Which social media do you focus on?
    Jennifer Guerra
    @marina_djuric Thanks! I'm really excited about the launch. I mainly focus on LinkedIn as we are B2B, but we are now starting to use Twitter too
    Jennifer Guerra
    @marina_djuric Hey Marina, we just launched today and we'd really love to have your feedback 🙏 I can't post the link here, but our product is called Tresl Segments
    Marina Đurić
    LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
    @jennifer_guerra that's awesome! We're on LinkedIn as well and going to start using Twitter too.🙌🏽
    Marina Đurić
    LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
    @jennifer_guerra I'm coming to support!
    Linna Peng
    My goal of June is to listen to our user and know more about them. Here is the first step. https://bit.ly/3lYECvm
    Marina Đurić
    LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
    @linna_peng Great way to find out more about your customers, I filled it out! Did you consider maybe building a community around remote work on some social platform?
    Linna Peng
    @marina_djuric Thanks Marina, community is a great way, we would like to dive deep into it.
    Segun Ketiku
    Simply get our product to the number one product of the day by June 1st. Grow our MRR to $5k, (I know that's farfetched but doable)
    Marina Đurić
    LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
    @segunketiku good luck those are some strong goals hope you achieve them! 🙌🏽
    Raphael Salaja
    Indie Developer Toolkit for Notion
    Indie Developer Toolkit for Notion
    1. Launch my first web extension Unite 2. Update my web portfolio 3. Push for a new deadlift pb
    Marina Đurić
    LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
    @raf_underscore good luck on the launch! I need to work on form before I even start measuring pb for deadlifts so good luck for that as well!
    Rich Watson
    NVSTly: Social Investing
    NVSTly: Social Investing
    Getting our app out of beta and releasing version 1, then starting on the major feature additions that have been planned for what seems to be a long time
    Marina Đurić
    LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
    @richw good luck, what's the app about?
    Rich Watson
    NVSTly: Social Investing
    NVSTly: Social Investing
    @marina_djuric It's a social trading app for stock & crypto traders. Lets them track & share their trades, end goal is copy trading functionality
    Chris Notion
    Life OS Dashboard
    Have a successful Product Launch on Thursday Make $1000/month so I can move out and increase the value I'm able to give
    Marina Đurić
    LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
    @chrisnotion Comment here when the product goes live so I can support you and good luck!🍀
    Chris Notion
    Life OS Dashboard
    @marina_djuric appreciate it :)
    Marina Đurić
    LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
    @chrisnotion you have my up vote! 🙌🏽
    Arun Pariyar
    👋 Hey Marina, All the best with your list looks like you are going to have a great month 🙌 We are launching SetOps next week and its our first time launching on Product Hunt so that's the main goal for me this month but aside that I want to make sure to get enough exercise, make progress with Udemy courses that I am taking, practice skateboarding and meditate. Btw, SetOps is a cloud deployment tool that enables developers to manage and deploy web apps to AWS without knowing much about DevOps or AWS. Learn more here: 👉 https://www.setops.co/ Also all the very best to everyone here with their goals this month 🙏
    Marina Đurić
    LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
    @arunpariyar wish you the best of luck on the launch, and thank you for the support!🍀 What Udemy courses are you taking at the moment? Also, love the design of the website!
    Rosemarie Pilapitiya
    My goals would be - working towards getting a better phone - doing some online courses to improve my knowledge - reading more books - performing better than last month at work
    Marina Đurić
    LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
    @rosemarie_pilapitiya those are some great goals and best of luck! 🙌🏽 What courses do you want to take?
    Rosemarie Pilapitiya
    @marina_djuric a few courses on psychology, digital marketing, web designing & graphics designing
    Marina Đurić
    LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
    @rosemarie_pilapitiya sounds challenging and interesting. 🙌🏽
    Evgeniy Yakubovskiy
    The main goal for June is to finish beta testing and come out with an official release. Our upcoming page https://www.producthunt.com/upco...
    Marina Đurić
    LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
    @evgeniyyakubovckiy good luck on the launch!🍀 When are you launching?
    Naresh Parimi
    Good luck for achieving your goals.
    Marina Đurić
    LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
    @sai_naresh_p, thanks for the support!
    Julius Bachmann
    I am getting ready to launch Journey at the end of June... lots to do still! btw this is an app that helps you focus on your long-term goals. whoever is into goalsetting, let me know and I'll create you an account!
    Marina Đurić
    LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
    @julius_bachmann good luck with the launch!🍀
    Marina Đurić
    LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
    @sakshi_gahlawat thank you for the support!
    Sakshi Gahlawat
    - Finish at least 3 books - Clean out the closet - Go to the gym - Be more proactive - Practice gratitude
    Marina Đurić
    LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
    @sakshi_gahlawat sounds like the start of a great month!
    Joanne Hurley
    - Launching HighGround.io (not on PH yet) - Start running again - Visit a winery - Encourage a toddler to sleep through the night so I can too
    Marina Đurić
    LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
    @joanne_hurleyv1 great diversity of goals, good luck! Hope you have a great launch and when you launch on PH too. For running I started again after a year break, go slow and start small and progress will come over time. 🏃🏼‍♀️