What business or marketing book has left a lasting impact on you?

Novie Dizon
19 replies


David F
Crossing the Chasm; Geoffrey Moore - it’s an old “must-have” tech marketing book that still applies today.
Isaac Martin Otim
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Mentionitis: No more (unnecessary) tabs
I don't read much, but when I do, I prefer to read books based on human psychology/behavioral economics. These fields bridge the gap between consumers and decision-making and tie in nicely with an understanding of marketing. I'd recommend starting with some light reading (not overly complex terminology and concepts) by authors like Dan Ariele, Rory Sutherland, and Malcolm Gladwell. As a disclaimer, these authors tend not to write their findings based on science but rather on astute observation. They are reasonably interesting to read.
Novie Dizon
@izakotim I completely resonate with your perspective, Isaac! Real-life observations indeed offer practical solutions to many challenges. Thanks for sharing! I'll definitely check out those insightful reads by Dan Ariely, Rory Sutherland, and Malcolm Gladwell!
"The Cold start problem" is the best book about building network effects. So many aha-moments. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Cold-St...
Neel Patel
The Lean Startup
Felya Bilgen
I love HubSpot's articles :)
Chole Adamas
Start with Why by Simon Sinek
Daniel Zaitzow
Zero to One is good - I am also reading "Done" right now and its all about scaling remote teams.. Also Launch by Jeff Walker (a little older but its all about email marketing / launch strategies and tons of good info in it)
Huudle AI Project Assistant
the mom test, the lean startup, crossing the chasm...
Matej Cabadaj
$100M Offers by Alex Hormozi. I have read MANY books, but this one made me feel like my eyes are opening. Other very good books: HR/culture: The no rules rules Startups: The Lean Startup Teams: Rework Business stories: The Founders