Hassaan Shakir

What do you believe is the most crucial element for startup success?


Different Entrepreneurs prioritize different factors to align their startups to success. Let's see how you guyz priotize the most important element of your Business. 🤗

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Lorenz Sell
I think the most crucial element for startup success is communication skills. You need to be able to communicate well with your team, your market, your customers, and potential partners and supporters. If you know how to work with people and enroll them in your vision, that goes a LONG way towards startup success.
Hassaan Shakir
@lorenzsell Absolutely. I remember when someone asked Warren Buffet at a conference, "What’s the best business advice you would give to young entrepreneurs?" He simply said: "Learn To Communicate." I have seen multiple founders shutting their ventures down after 2 to 3 years, even though they had the resources and a great team, just because they missed the "communication with their customer" part and overly relied on their product.
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Shemtov Yogi
I believe a skilled team is the most crucial element. They can overcome any challenge.
Shemtov Yogi
A skilled team is crucial. They are the backbone of any successful startup.
Shemtov Yogi
I think a skilled team is the most important. They make everything else work.