What do you love about Twitter?

Morgan M
7 replies


Checking people's reactions to something about it!👍 The most enjoyable part is being a part of a community, getting engagement, and then seeing my account grow. For growing accounts and filtering audiences, I use Hummin.io
Are you active on Twitter?? Let's connect! @enjoy_eom
Pleasure Meditation
My favorite part is probably just the random encounters with all the interesting, talented, stupid, brilliant, crazy, lonely, chemically-impaired, life-journey bound humans who live all around us on our beautiful Earth. ...Never a dull moment. :-)
That there are so many people! That's all. The functionality of Twitter is not satisfactory.
Honestly, almoat nothing. Don’t like this tool but it has really great features)
Irma Lafleur
Honestly... not much. lol!