What do you think is the best marketing strategy for a SaaS startup?

Gizem Nur Keskin
11 replies


Building a competitive advantage (whether SEO, social, or paid ads) and designing everything around it at the beginning.
Aida Zu
Start with growing network, platforms can be very different. My ultimate advice - don't stick with Linkedin! Use as many Slack groups and communities you can find, but don't be spammer, be a part of this communities.
Daniel Burns
As a growing SaaS company, I'd advise you to create high quality content for your target audience, educating them and solving their pain points. You should also take part of being in multiple offline and online communities as well, depending where your target audience "usually hangs out". This way you can spread awareness about your brand, establish thought leadership and ultimately build trust and thus, attract customers.
Ruben Sanromán
Based on my experience working for SAAS startups, the most successful one I saw used 2 or 3 basic landing pages that employed copywriting to sell solutions for different problems, along with an autoplay animation video, and then captured leads' emails.
Pedro De la nube✪ 🧪
The one that has worked best for me in recent years is creating a community around the brand and customer service, always of course providing extra value, which today I would say is differentiation. 👍
André J
Launching soon!
All cases are different. Start with product! then network later. Validation is key. Avoid vanity validation. Seek truth. Be radically honest with your self. Start with the problem. Then solution.
Dilan Aydın
Don't underestimate the power of content marketing! Paid marketing may not be suitable for fresh new startups, as people want to see what makes you different and what you do before they buy. SAAS startups can effectively express themselves through content marketing.
The best marketing strategy for a SaaS startup depends on various factors such as target audience, budget, and competitive landscape. However, a combination of content marketing, targeted digital advertising, and building strong customer relationships through personalized engagement can be effective in promoting the SaaS product and acquiring customers. you can help more take From: https://apkrelax.com/temu/