What do you think is the number one thing that holds people back from starting a business?

Shannon Coulon
9 replies


Bilge Demiroğlu
I think the fear of failure and not being able to manage the funds well in the first stage are influencing factors. Also, most poeople suffers from insufficient capital.
Magic Mike Paine
1) Fear of failure 2) lack of capital 3) lack of support and resources
Sometimes people can overthink and analyze their idea and the market too much, leading to a state of analysis paralysis. They may never feel ready to launch their business because they always find something they think they should add or change.
Jonathan Prime
Starting a business involves taking risks, and some people may not be comfortable with this. The fear of losing money or failing may prevent them from taking the necessary risks to make their business successful.
Robert K Simpson
It's essential to understand the market and the competition before starting a business. Without conducting proper market research, people may not have a clear understanding of their target audience or the demand for their product or service.
Carmen Judson
Starting a business involves a degree of uncertainty about the future, and some people may not be comfortable with this. Without a clear plan or vision for their business, they may be hesitant to take the leap.
Shannon Coulon
@carmen_judson Thanks for responding Carmen! Yes, "fear" of the future, uncertainty, and risk seem to be a common response. Earlier today we filmed a podcast talking about how to overcome this initial fear holding people back.
Mark Curz
Some people may have a perfectionist mindset, which can make it difficult to launch a business. They may feel that everything needs to be perfect before they can get started, leading to procrastination and inaction.