What do you think of our pricing page?

Tracyyyy Dao
9 replies
Hi there! We're getting ready to launch a new feature and we'd really like to hear what you think, especially about the price and what you think about the feature in general. Our new feature is called SaveDay Canvas. It's like a thought partner that helps you develop rational thoughts from your collection items. What's different about SaveDay Canvas is that it shows you how it figures things out, and the answers it gives are made just for you, based on all the things you've saved. We'd love for you to check out the price and tell us what you think. You can find the price here: https://www.save.day/pricing


As for the pricing, it seems reasonable considering the potential benefits that SaveDay Canvas could offer. I appreciate that you're offering different options to cater to various needs and budgets.
Tracyyyy Dao
@felix_f_tao Thank you for sharing your thoughts. What do you think of our new feature SaveDay Canvas?
Jonathan Tahiry
Neat and clean! Did you use any template to have it done? Concerning the prices, they are correct. The price range is very accessible to anyone! And the information are very clear!
Shivam Aggarwal
Sleek and organized! It gives a polished vibe.
Tracyyyy Dao
@shivam_aggarwal9 Yayyy thanks a lot for your sharing!!! How do you think about our CTA?
Thomas Hallaran
Looks great! On the pricing page would encourage you to not link out to the feature list, you don't want your customers to click away from the CTA, which is - signup for a plan. I like the focus on your premium plan...