What do you value most in a startup co-founder?

Lixin Liu
6 replies
For me. Those three key qualities: 1. Shared vision 2. Integrity and transparency 3. Complementary skills ( thought this could be optional for a faster learner ) What do you think?


Toby Rowland
The human collaboration skills are really important: 1. Got to have a different perspective to you 2. Needs to be someone who evolves, who knows how to learn. 3. Someone who knows how to discuss, understand other viewpoints
Nathan Geckler
I think it’s very important to have a co-founder who has different skills than you. For example, if you are good at marketing, find a co-founder who knows how to code.
Aria Madeline Sinclair
Absolutely trustworthiness. They need to have your back through thick and thin, be transparent, and keep their word. Without trust, the partnership is doomed from the start, no matter how talented they are.