Sefa Sarıkaya

What does consume your time and energy the most?


And do you use automation to reduce that?

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Harshavardhan Reddy
Earlier for me it was travel and meetings.. Now , just meetings and calls Bit relieved , as automation can not achieve full solution for this .. However there are other areas where I use automation and definitely saves quality time and energy
Sefa Sarıkaya
@harsha_vardhan01 Travel around or travel to the work? What did change now?
Satish Kumar Veluri
Sales calls and meetings.. not sure how automation can be done.. However there are other areas where I use automation and definitely saves quality time.
Software Guy (Aarvy)
@satish_kumar_veluri That's good, what are some good tools for automation that you use in your daily life.
Sefa Sarıkaya
@satish_kumar_veluri Maybe a questionary would help you. You can ask questions as a form instead of making a discovery call.
Satish Kumar Veluri
@sefasarikaya Depends upon your product, target audience and their geographical location.
Roberto Morais
In my case, it was meetings. I couldn't find any automation for it. After I quit to start building my products, I think it's research. I'm considering some automation for idea generation or research storage and consumption but not sure yet.
Software Guy (Aarvy)
@robertomorais But now you know an automation tool that can help you with your meetings,. Check out this tool and detailed review here:
Sefa Sarıkaya
@robertomorais Research is a really time consuming part. Some articles are perfectly linked so I jump from one to another.
Tirupati Reddy Dontireddy
In my case, Subject research, new content search
Sefa Sarıkaya
@tiru A subject tip: You can check the reviews of your competitor's product and create a content about solving their negative points.
Raju Sivaram
Work & Family
Adams Parker
Travelling to the work 😣
Sefa Sarıkaya
@adams_parker Did remote work fail during the pandemic?
Colin Johnson
Thinking about fundraising, currently
Определенно, встречи в реальной жизни требуют слишком много эмоций и энергии.
Shushant Lakhyani
Social media marketing
Sefa Sarıkaya
@shushant_lakhyani I suppose it is not your area of expertize. You might postpone it until you can hire a pro.
Swapratim Roy
Sales pitching, calling, cold mailing and running campaigns. Although building a product/platform is cool (I love to build products) but without customers inflow it can die fast. I find no true automation for getting customers (relationship building is unfortunately not a matter of automation yet) and that takes up a lots of time and effort for my startup.
Sefa Sarıkaya
@swapratim_roy Have you tried finding a CMO co-founder?
Nancy Talton
Office meetings.
Andrew Mason
Social media
Doing work that I don't know how to do or don't like doing. It could be anything, like cleaning or repairing. I'd rather spend more time at work and pay a professional for the job than have to figure out how to fix a broken faucet myself. Therefore, for me, handyman are almost sacred people who should receive decent pay for their work.
Dan Borel
Finding a solution to a particular problem is very exciting for me, but at the same time it takes a lot of energy and time.
Xdio Gawer
well I have no interest in gaming and sports I like to read books articles and giving online quiz on platforms like Telenor today answer it also gives you a job opportunity if you pass the test and increase your general knowledge.
Alexey Xerov
Other then work and home management. Social media consume all the spare time.
Sefa Sarıkaya
@alexey_xerov How would you like to replace that?
My work calls
Nancy Talton
Anand kumar
Social Media
Josh Lefkovitz
I am A bit Workaholic so I say Work.