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  • What does success mean to you, and how do you define it? 🤔

    Bilal Asif
    12 replies
    Success looks different for everyone—some see it as career growth, others as personal happiness or work-life balance. For me, it’s about feeling fulfilled in what I do each day. How do you define success in your own life? Let's hear your thoughts!


    Nancy Wright
    Success to me is having the freedom and flexibility to spend my time in ways that are meaningful and fulfilling. It's less about hitting specific milestones and more about enjoying the journey, both professionally and personally. If I'm excited to start each day, learning and growing along the way, and surrounded by people I care about, that feels like success.
    Omar A. Khan
    For me, success means that I have what I need and that I enjoy the way I spend my time, both at work and in my personal time.
    Gabriel Xará
    Launching soon!
    The definition often changes. But currently I am focused on getting quality time with my family and managing a digital business that helps students to learn efficiently
    For me, success means achieving personal goals and finding fulfillment in my efforts. So i define it by the balance between my achievements and personal happiness.
    Jasper Elliot Sinclair
    For me, success means finding fulfillment and meaning in what I do every day. It's about feeling a sense of purpose, growth, and positive impact. I define success as continuously learning, improving myself, and helping others in whatever ways I can, both professionally and personally. It's less about hitting specific milestones and more about the journey and who I become along the way. Of course, having my basic needs met is important too. But beyond that, success is about living in alignment with my values and priorities.
    Luka Brzin
    It's weird because for me success is in such a fluid state for me. Just like happiness. Almost everyday I have a different definition of what success means to me. But long-term I'd definitely say being able to take care of my family financially.
    My3 Murthy
    The freedom work on what I want? With whom I want to? When I want to.
    Olga iaLOVEnko
    My personal success is to achieve freedom. Freedom to spend as much time as I want whenever I want wherever I want with whom I want.
    Amanda Nicole Harris
    Success to me means doing work I find fulfilling that also provides me the means to enjoy my personal life outside of work. Having good health, strong relationships, and ample free time to pursue my interests and passions. It's not about a specific milestone but more of an ongoing state of satisfaction and balance across the different areas of my life. Of course, everyone has to define success for themselves based on their own values and priorities.