What frustrates you about your current Browser?
Isaac Martin Otim
1 reply
Last week, we had a poll on your favorite web browser, and Chrome emerged as the clear winner with a whopping 56% of the votes. But here's the interesting part – a significant number of you mentioned sticking with Chrome due to reasons like ecosystem lock-in, the hassle of switching, or just plain old loyalty.
Now, it's your turn to share: What are the common challenges you encounter with your browser of choice?
Drop a comment below and don't forget to mention which browser you're using. Let's dive into the world of web browsers and see what quirks and frustrations we all have in common!
Isaac Martin Otim
Mentionitis: No more (unnecessary) tabs
You can find last week's poll here https://www.producthunt.com/disc... feel free to add your vote if you haven't done so as yet!