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  • What habits have you developed to stay productive when working remotely? 🏆

    Amit Arora
    17 replies
    Some habits I've developed to stay productive when working remotely: 📑 Set a Routine: I start work at the same time every day and follow a regular schedule . 👩🏿‍💻Create a Workspace: I have a dedicated area in my home just for work, which helps me stay focused. 🗒 Make a To-Do List: I write down tasks for the day and check them off as I complete them. 🙎🏾Take Breaks: I take short breaks to rest and recharge, which helps me stay productive. 🤳🏽Stay Connected: I use messaging apps and video calls to keep in touch with my team. ✖️Limit Distractions: I keep my workspace free of distractions like TV and non-work-related apps. 🎯Set Goals: I set clear goals for what I want to achieve each day and week. 🧘Stay Active: I take time to exercise, even if it's just a short walk, to keep my energy levels up. 🥘Healthy Eating: I eat healthy snacks and meals to stay energized throughout the day. 🫠 End on Time: I make sure to end my workday at a set time to maintain a work-life balance.


    André J
    😸 Im completely the opposite. No routine. Just go with the flow. Freedom fuels me. Drift like a cloud ☁️, and move like water 🌊
    André J
    @amit_arora 😸 yep. Embrace the flow, swim in the wrong direction. Escape conformity 🚀
    Amit Arora
    @sentry_co Andre, that is beautiful. Going with the flow of the universe brings the more creative part of a person. I have also experienced best of the ideas that came to me as inspirations came while I was enjoying the flow. :)
    Emily Willis
    Hi Amit, I loved reading your habits! Here are mine: 📆 I plan my day the night before by prioritising all the tasks in my Google Calendar. I have a colour-coded system for work themes (green for content creation, yellow for admin, blue for meetings, red for reminders etc) - the colours help - I'm very visual! 🎯 I use a Canva whiteboard (an Eisenhower Matrix) for my seasonal planning. This is where my goals are defined & mapped out. This guides how I prioritise my daily tasks. 🎧 I use music when I need to focus & motivate myself. Deep house helps! & yes, totally agree with you that a morning walk in nature, healthy food, good sleep etc is essential & really helps. I'm not so great at ending on time. I'd love any advice on wrapping tasks when you're halfway through them. I can't stop until I'm done, so I always finish late.
    Amit Arora
    @emily_willis1 Emily, these are so beautiful points. Really thanks for sharing 🙏😊 Also, the way you are managing your good calendar is absolute joy. Never saw this way of organising. Will be thankful to you if you can elaborate this more or if you have some doc where we can read this, that will enlighten many here :)
    Emily Willis
    @amit_arora Sure! This isn't my blog, but this gives you an idea of how to set it up: https://timingapp.com/blog/googl... I also use the Time Insights feature—it's brilliant. Every quarter, you can monitor where you spend most time, which helps with forecasting goals efficiently.
    Gurkaran Singh
    I've mastered the art of remote productivity by following my daily routine religiously like a tech-savvy monk, ensuring my workspace is as sacred as a coding temple, and tackling tasks with ninja-like precision. How about you, any productivity hacks up your sleeve?
    Amit Arora
    @thestarkster Gurkaran, you are making me feel so inspired. :) Would love to learn more on how you do this? As a developer, I would love to see how you manage with such precision. If you can also help us visualise your coding temple brother, then it can help many including me to become more productive :)
    Ivan Territo
    Hi there! My routine is not that strict, but I try to have a good one. I recently re-worked my workplace, but I prefer to work from a cafè in though work days, less distractions... It is also important for me to take some breaks between tasks or after an amount of time, to recharge and be focused. And yes, of course healthy eating, but that should be the base.
    Amit Arora
    @ivan_territo that is lovely Ivan. how do you manage when more people turn up in cafe? like when there is more noise? I noticed that working in cafe during weekends becomes though because of lot of people and noise. Looking for you suggestions on this.
    Peter Nick
    I use a standing desk to keep my energy up throughout the day.
    Amit Arora
    @peter_nick Nice. Appreciate your idea. I will also try this. :) Are you able to concentrate for long like when standing infront of the desk?
    I write down my thoughts and goals for the day every morning to stay productive.
    Amit Arora
    @elsa_jonathan78 nice, how do you manage to stay disciplined with this approach? like are you able to do it consistently day after day and how? :)
    Nick Frost
    I make sure to incorporate mindfulness practices like deep breathing exercises throughout the day to reduce stress.
    Amit Arora
    @nick_frost2 that is beautiful, Nick. Thanks for sharing. what kind of breathing exercises do you follow? This can help many of us here in the community.
    Odette Celeste Montgomery
    🌟 Absolutely! Some key habits I've found helpful: 📅 Sticking to a consistent schedule to establish a good routine 💻 Setting up a dedicated workspace to get in the right mindset 🎯 Starting each day by identifying top priorities and goals 🧘‍♀️ Taking regular short breaks to recharge and avoid burnout 📞 Checking in frequently with teammates to stay connected 🍎 Keeping healthy snacks on hand to fuel my brain 🚫 Eliminating distractions like social media during work hours 🏃‍♂️ Scheduling time for exercise to maintain energy levels 🕰 Having a hard stop to the workday to protect work-life balance Hope this helps spark some ideas for optimizing your own WFH productivity! 💪