What integrations would you like to see to better facilitate your 1:1 meetings with your Manager/DR?

Matt Bennett
1 reply
We recently launched on PH(https://www.producthunt.com/products/oursails) about a month ago and we are already underway into our next phase. We are concentrating on fleshing our integrations primarily to target what context is important to have prior to coming to your 1:1 so you don't have look around for information from various sources in order even begin your session. We are starting with a Jira integration first since we use internally. We want to retrieve all of the current tasks and completed tasks that you have worked on so your manager can see your progress and whether or not you over allocated. We would love your feedback! Here is our customer facing roadmap to review(https://app.oursails.com/roadmaps) and you can add private suggestion directly within the collaborative doc and we will see it. Thanks! We also just listed on AppSumo as well for that limited time LTD: https://appsumo.com/products/oursails?utm_source=partner-link&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=partner-206834


Bogomil Shopov - Бого
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Threat Modeling e-book
"We are starting with a Jira integration first since we use internally. We want to retrieve all of the current tasks and completed tasks that you have worked on so your manager can see your progress and whether or not you over allocated. " Please don't!