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  • What is one conversation, quote, or book that completely changed the way you think about things?

    Wyatt Feaster
    25 replies
    What impact has this had on your business or life?


    Nico Spijker
    The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson :)
    André J
    Atlas shrugged and The alchemist
    One quote that rewired my brain: "Your limitation, it's only your imagination." 🌌 It transformed my approach to challenges. Instead of walls, I saw puzzles, and suddenly, life felt like a game of chess. It’s the power of perspective, turn a hurdle into a stepping stone. So, every move in business became a strategic dance, and every setback a chance to pirouette forward.
    Shajedul Karim
    there’s this quote: “be the change you wish to see in the world” and “do more of what you want to see in the world” sounds cliché, but it hit different. made me rethink responsibility, impact. in business, it pushed me to focus on solutions, not just problems. it’s about being proactive, creating the change, not just waiting for it. what about you guys? any conversation, quote, or book that flipped your script? how’s it shaped your business or life?
    Wyatt Feaster
    @shajedulkarim_ that great! Hey sometimes cliche is ok. Mine has been “fall in love with the process not the outcome” really allowed we to start looking at the little wins each day.
    Max Cameron
    summarized: "It's hard to to buy a product than sell a product." If you're building B2B SaaS, I strongly recommend reading April Dunford's new book on sales, because it helps you build a pitch that uses your positioning to make the job of purchasing your software easier. A very cool new way to look at the problem of sales.
    “Don't be afraid to screw up, don't be afraid to miss the moment”
    Tanvirul Huda
    One impactful conversation was with a mentor who said, "Your mindset determines your success." This perspective shift influenced both my personal and professional life, fostering a more positive and proactive approach to challenges, significantly impacting my business decisions and overall well-being.
    Wyatt Feaster
    @tanvirulhuda I couldn’t agree more! I leverage that myself. You can either look at the bright side of things and build off that or you can look at the negatives. Don’t let a failure cripple you, but learn from it.
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    At the risk of sounding repetitive: 'Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm' as Winston Churchill said.
    Wyatt Feaster
    @mho22 I mean if it’s a good quote that is ok to repeat and I actually have never heard that one. That’s great!
    Elon Musk said ‘The world is truly a grandiose farce, an ensemble of enterprises, leaders, colleagues, and even myself, all strutting our stuff on this big stage we call life.’ So I became brave.
    Wyatt Feaster
    Forgot to add my own. Haha “Fall in love with the process not the outcome or you’ll never be happy” This has really changed the way I look at project, goals, etc. it has helped me to stop thinking about having to get to the finish line super fast to be proud but rather to celebrate all the small wins. This has also allowed me to prevent burnout.
    “When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world.”~ George Washington Carver