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  • What is the best business decision you’ve ever made?

    Nathan Covey
    47 replies


    Declan Xavier Holbrook
    Bruh streaking on PH is a baller move 😎💪 But srsly, best biz decision for me was pivoting to an adjacent market when my OG target customers weren't biting. Gotta adapt to survive out here! 🦎🌴 What about you? Any clutch plays that saved your startup bacon? 🥓
    André J
    To start streaking on PH 😸 4real tho 😂
    Nathan Covey
    @sentry_co wait really? What positive results have you had from it?
    André J
    @nathancovey Its one of the internet flywheels that just keeps on giving. For me it solves. Beta testers, lead magnet, inbound connections. I probably got 1k followers here and on LinkedIn just because of the steak position. currently sitting at nr.60 1 short of top 50 😏. Also it's scarce so it can't be gamed.
    Ingmar Klein
    @sentry_co how did you build up your followers?
    André J
    @ingmar 1. The streak list (nr.59 today) 2. Using my insight in startup / product to give ~1 launch per day a meaningful feedback from my POV (Quality > Quantity = PH badges I got 60++ this year, I have not seen anyone get anywhere close to that) 3. By having an interesting PH bio (doing an interesting startup) ...... all this results in becoming an PH influencer over the span of 12 months. I could have 10xed it as well but I code most of the day so 😅
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    To end some projects :)
    Alexander Galitsky
    None so far 💀
    Omar A. Khan
    I believe that every business has make or break decisions. Firing, hiring, selling, pivoting can be crucial. Adapt or die as they say.
    Nathan Covey
    @omar_ahmad3 so it’s the small ones that count?
    Steffi Nicolaïdes
    Trust my gut (and 25+ interviews) to create my SaaS
    Weston Hickman
    Hiring my partner was the best decision I ever made
    Bilal Asif
    Launching soon!
    @weston_hickman I would love to know what you do?
    Stephen Maden
    Listening to my partners
    Aamir Carroll
    I started paying close attention to what my customers were saying and used their feedback to improve my products. This helped me make better decisions and grow my business.
    Musa Dejesus
    I decided to spend money on training for my team. This made them more skilled and motivated, which in turn improved our business performance.
    Jasmine Clarke
    I chose to focus on delivering high-quality products rather than just competing on price. This built a strong reputation for my brand and attracted loyal customers.
    Nathan Covey
    @jasminec what is your strategy for creating high quality products?
    Carlos Cruz
    I invested in new technology that streamlined our operations. This made our processess more efficient and saved us time and money.
    Nathan Covey
    @shakira_english nice!! Which technology was it?
    Ieuan Ayala
    I took the time to hire the right people who shared my vision and values. Having a strong, dedicated team made a big difference in our success.
    Ivan Chavez
    I began with a small, manageable project and gradually expanded as I saw sucess This approach helped me avoid overextending myself and allowed for steady growth.
    Geeta Thakur
    Taking that risk and investing in business paid off huge.
    Charlie decouze
    Listening to my heart and trusting my intuition saved my company
    Lamont Justus
    Focusing on customer feedback and making changes led to massive growth.
    Andreea S.
    We realized our initial idea wasn’t working, and making the tough decision to pivot changed everything. It’s been our best move yet!
    Iulian D
    Embracing automation freed up our time and resources, allowing us to focus on growth and strategy. Game changer!
    Kevin Martinez
    Def deciding to bootstrap instead of taking VC money early on 🙌 Kept me focused on building a sustainable biz model from day one instead of chasing growth at all costs 📈 Also hiring my first employee was huge, finally had someone to bounce ideas off of and split the workload 👥 Wbu, what's your best biz decision been? 🤔