Ghulam Abbas

What is the most creative thing you’ve done?

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i have created own cosmological theory :-)
Jonathan Tahiry
Our teaser video here 👉🏼 Check it out 🤗
Shivam Aggarwal
Made a 3-D art!!!
Reed Houcek
When I was in high school my dad and I built a pottery wheel from the motor of an old washing machine and the transmission of an old snowblower. haha its so funny thinking back on it.
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Create a NGO Fanpage with +20.000 Followers
Aris Nakos
Created a language exchange buddy to improve my Spanish using GPT4 and XI Labs on WhatsApp. Check out for more info. Currently on soft launch.
Back in business my friend!!
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Priyash Patil
I made actual art painting on canvas 🎨
Ok but i'm not sure if you wanted to know this. I did homework for my nephew. and it was a broom in the form of Bart Simpson