Bola Nabil

what is the most important tip you got before launch ?


in the upcoming days will be my first launch I'm so excited for it but there are many tips people tell me about everyday but today i need the tip that really changed your launch ! ❤️

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alex Ivanovski
Relax and enjoy the ride—trust me, everything’s going to be just fine. One piece of advice that’s truly stuck with me is this: learn to delegate. You can’t do it all, and that’s okay. I’ve embraced that idea, and it’s made a world of difference in my life. These days, I make a point of focusing on what really matters to me, while letting professionals handle the rest. That’s why I turned to for help with my papers. They’ve taken a huge weight off my shoulders, giving me the time and space to breathe, recharge, and enjoy life’s little moments. Delegating isn’t a weakness—it’s a smart way to keep your sanity intact
Alexander Galitsky
Someone tipped me $5. I was really happy 🤗
Samir Rashed
I think one of the important things is to make sure everything is organized and prepared for the launch day.
Jonah Muye
One thing that really changed my launch was focusing on preparing in advance. It's easy to get caught up in the excitement but having everything from my marketing assets to the product tested and ready gave me the confidence I needed.
Zhiqi Shi
Staying with your users, Check your to-do list every day.