What is the one SEO hack/tool that skyrocketed your website?

Shashank Raut Desai
9 replies


neuronwriter.com for sure. It's an amazing tool to improve our SEO for our blog posts on our company website iterates . be/blog it's easy to use and had a big impact for us.
Thomas Hansen
One effective SEO hack is optimizing for long-tail keywords. These keywords have lower competition and can drive highly targeted traffic to your website. Tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush can help identify these keywords.
Shashank Raut Desai
@thomas_hansen5 traffic wise these keywords don't contribute to traffic much, right?
Anurag Mehta
Get inside the heads of your target market (and the potential ones too)...!!! Observe on what are their concerns? What challenges are they facing first-hand? (you CAN use tools as well for this) Then, cover them in-depth on your entire website, and always keep them fresh. This one strategy helps in targeting those 'direct' consumers.
Shashank Raut Desai
@anurag_mehta Agreed on this - what did you mean by fresh?
Rowan Maxwell Everett
Optimize your site structure and internal linking. Use descriptive, keyword-rich URLs, improve site navigation, and link related pages together. This helps search engines understand your site and boosts the link equity flowing to key pages. Combine this with quality content optimized for search intent and you can see great SEO gains without relying solely on external backlinks. Tools like Screaming Frog and Sitebulb are super helpful for auditing and improving site structure.