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  • What is Underrated Advice you Wish you had Received and Now want to Share it with us

    Kareem Amin
    15 replies
    If you could go back in time to when you started your journey as a founder or your younger self, what key piece of advice or change in approach would you make to improve your journey or impact as a founder?


    Vincent Xu
    AI Researcher
    AI Researcher
    Hey Kareem, Thanks for starting this discussion. As someone who is about to launch their own product, I would love to hear your thoughts on what advice you would give to someone in my position. My product is focused on helping small businesses streamline their social media management. It's called SocialEase. I believe it will be a valuable tool for entrepreneurs who are looking to save time and increase their online presence. If you have any tips on how to successfully launch a product, I would love to hear them. Also, I would be honored if you could check out SocialEase when it's live and provide any feedback you may have. You can click on the "Notify" button to get notified when it's ready. Thanks again for sharing your insights!
    Kareem Amin
    @cen_xu I am also launching my product very soon. Keeping my fingers crossed for both of us :) Since I can't call myself an experienced enterprenuer or successful to be able to give advice on this, I would talk about it from a 34 years old guy who left his home country 9 years ago to pursue a PhD in AI and now starting his own venture :D. From my point of view: I would always tell myself to celebrate the small things. I couldn't celebrate anything in the past and I was always pushing myself to go forward fast. If I go back in time, I would never do that. 2. Surrond yourself with people who are like-minded and authentic about what they are doing. You will feel empowered! 3. Ask the people you trust to criticize you (but dont listen to everyone because you will get a lot of non-sense criticism)
    Roland Marlow
    It's ok to grow slow. You don't need to compete with the big brands in your niche, just focus on building a solid foundation and providing a good service/product, growth will follow. The vanity features and metrics will kill you if you chase them.
    Kareem Amin
    I love this one indeed @rmarlow. The temptation to chase rapid growth and compete with big players can often lead to a focus on superficial metrics and features that might not align with the core values and sustainability of a business.
    Carol Moh
    @rmarlow this is such a solid piece of advice! I feel like there is a constant rush to push out things as fast as possible! The SaaS/AI world can be a crazy place sometimes!🏃🏻‍♀️
    stick to your bedtime
    @sentry_co lol fair enough! I’ve just found that getting good sleep has been my best productivity hack
    André J
    @entreeden It definitely is! Its the one advice above all advices! But sticking to a regular time isn't ;)
    Kareem Amin
    I can totally relate to this! I wish I can do it! @sentry_co @entreeden it's been even tougher lately, and I'm feeling the impact. Time to prioritize sleep and well-being for a healthier, more productive life! 💤 #SleepMatters"
    @sentry_co interesting, sleeping at different times every day doesn't mess with your circadian rhythm? my body is really picky about that
    André J
    @entreeden I think society is more dependant on the circadian rhythm than humans are. I prioritise sleeping as hard and long as a I can so that when I am awake its like I had the best sleep of my life every day. The cost of that is drifting. Which means I add about +1 or +2 hours to when you get up and go to bed every day.
    André J
    Only take advice from people that walk the talk ✌️
    Prem Saini
    Compare yourself to yourself, not others.
    Jaspar Carmichael-Jack
    1. Embrace the power of small, consistent steps. 2. Seek feedback early and often. 3. Don't be afraid to fail. 4. Celebrate your successes, no matter how small. 5. Never stop learning.