What is your approach to custdev?
Alexey Sytnikov
6 replies
Hey guys! As a product conductor, I always challenge myself and try to find some other ways of getting user feedback. There are various ways to do that: feedback tools, 1-to-1 custdev sessions, email sequences etc. Which are the ones that work for you best?
Iuliia Shnai@iuliia_sh
Cust Dev is the hardest part! But the most important!
Speaking with people is like air for the startup!
I find that best always the more personal approach which is rarely scalable.
Delphi — Digital Clone Studio
Force a quick short survey onto the user then potentially follow up with an incentivized interview request
@philipsnyder thanks of the reply? How do you see this survey: in product, in an email, or somehow else?
@philipsnyder Agree with you. We've been thinking what can incentify users to go through the interveiw. Have tried some things, but could not find a perfect/good one.
Delphi — Digital Clone Studio
@alexey_sytnikov In product forced popup that you can't exit - keep it insanely brief though
@philipsnyder yeah it's very risky not to be annoying