What is your conversion rate through Product Hunt?
Hemalatha Rajendran
6 replies
In general, which fields can expect good leads through Product Hunt?
Barry Zheng@barryzheng568
Next Monday we will launch the latest version of this product, please help us increase the conversion rate, thank you.
I will come back to write down the number after I launch next Tuesday. https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
Beep! - New Era for Collaboration⚡️
Hey Hemalatha, it largely depends on what type of product you have and how you promote it.
Here's an example taken from https://plausible.io/blog/produc...
"After the first 24 hours, we had 601 upvotes (finished #2 on the day), 90 comments (includes our replies too and we tried to reply to everyone) and 26 reviews with a score of 4.8/5. It was great to read all the amazing comments and we are grateful to all the people who took their time to upvote and leave feedback.
Product Hunt shared our listing twice from their official Twitter account. As we got #2 on the day, we were featured in their daily newsletter too. We also got featured in their weekly newsletter as we finished in the top 10 of the week (#7).
Within the first 24 hours, we got 1,490 unique visitors from Product Hunt to our website. We also got 22 trial signups from there.
And now, almost a week after the launch, we’re on more than 850 upvotes, more than 100 comments and 27 reviews with a score of 4.8/5. 2,560 unique visitors to our website, with a bounce rate of 44%, average visit duration of 1 minute and 44 seconds and 36 trial signups."
The conversion rate isn't that high in my opinion. But again, depends on your product, because in this example above they were a Google Analytics alternative (which not everyone would be interested in using).