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  • What is your most productive day during the week?

    Eivind Håverstad
    11 replies


    Usually Monday mainly because I've recharged during the weekend and feel motivated at the start of a week :)
    Eivind Håverstad
    @maxwellcdavis Great! There is nothing like recharged batteries :) I can see you are launching something soonish - cool. Is it a side project, or something bigger?
    Other answer: "Tomorrow" 😄
    Misha Krunic
    Monday for me
    Alina Ihnatiuk
    Hey! I think Thursday. On this day, important and voluminous work tasks are closed, which means Friday is a small day off.
    Eivind Håverstad
    @antonovna Hey! So the heavy lifting on Thursday's, and the reward on Friday's. That's nice!
    Keren Brickman
    Occasionally I find myself getting super productive on sunday nights before the work week, organizing everything I need to before I get to the office makes me feel like I have my life slightly more together 😄
    Eivind Håverstad
    What a great start to a new week. This seems like a superpower habit to incorporate. 😄
    Angi Bowman
    I love this question because it's my favorite topic to debate. For me, it's Tuesday. It's the most productive day of the week to focus and get things knocked out. Monday - Some productivity, but I also don't sleep well from Sunday to Monday. Still kind of suffering from the weekend hangover Tuesday - Maximum productivity. I'm in this to win this, and I'm plowing through my projects left and right. If I'm going to change the world, this is the day. Wednesday & Thursday - Basically sliding into the weekend with mild productivity. I'll get stuff done, but it won't be nearly as efficient as Tuesday. Friday - Nada. The weekend is here, and the office feels it. If there were ever a day for a 3-hour team lunch, this is it. My productivity is so low that I don't bother with heavy projects. Give me creative brainstorming, and I'm there.
    Eivind Håverstad
    @lucky__angi I love that you love this topic!😀 And thanks for sharing - I also find myself the most productive on Tuesdays. The engine is up and running, and there is still a lot left of the week - feels motivating!