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  • What laws define the added level of complexity that systems tend to take on over time?

    Terrence Kelleman
    12 replies
    I've been pondering the way that products and online sales channels have evolved over the past decade. Simple things like email or blogs have evolved into complex systems. In the same way that newly launched apps have a minimal set of tools and then grow with more complexity over time... are there any rules that guide this in the way that computing function (Moore's law) defines transistors?


    Dalhat Usman
    From what I’ve observed, there isn’t a specific law like Moore’s for this kind of growth. Instead, it’s about how technology adapts to changing needs and how developers add features over time, which makes systems more complex.
    Hester Henry
    I think there’s no single law like Moore's Law for this, but it’s more about how technology and user needs evolve.
    Chaity Okpalanozie
    I just like apps start with basic functions and expand, systems become more intricate as they add new capabilities and integrations to stay relevant.
    Cassidy Doyle
    This reminds me of Lehman's Laws of Software Evolution as systems grow, they become more complex unless active efforts are made to simplify them.
    Sadie Howard
    Brooks's Law could play a role too. Adding more people to a project can increase complexity and delays, especially in software.
    Amy English
    I’d point to The Second Law of Thermodynamics in any system, entropy tends to increase over time , leading to more disorder and complexity
    Ella Reye
    i think Conway's law applies here it suggest that system mirror the communication structures of the organization that design them
    Harper Scott
    don't forget bout galls law it sys that complex system evolve from simpler ones, but starting with complexity often leds t failure
    Safaa Bird
    i would say law of requisite verity o control complex system ,the controlling system needs to be equally complex
    Sage Turner
    have noticed that user feedback really drives the complexity of products. It's fascinating to see how features evolve based on real user needs.
    Kenneth Ray
    Your comparison to Moore's law really resonates with me. It’s impressive how the demand for more functionality seems to grow exponentially.
    Martin Peters
    I always appreciate finding tools that strike the right balance between functionality and ease of use. It’s refreshing when a product does that well!