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  • What makes you stay loyal to a particular brand or product?

    Kavya Tripathi
    19 replies


    Dzmitry Tsemirau
    Usually it's quality and nothing more.
    Marc-Oliver Gewaltig
    For me it's trust. Even a great product or service and feel sour when you do not trust the company. Just look at what has happened to twitter. It literally got x-ed out. Trust is gone, people leave.
    Marina Đurić
    First the quality of their product and then the story they sell.
    andi wir
    Momin Ul Abidin
    Consistency and yes, the main thing for me is that I feel like that brand is mine so work can be done more efficiently
    Max Zhang
    Consistently high quality. When a product performs well and meets my expectations, it builds my trust and keeps me coming back.
    Bilal Asif
    Launching soon!
    I stay loyal to a brand when it consistently delivers quality, aligns with my values, and makes me feel seen as a customer. Great service, genuine engagement, and a product that solves my problems keep me coming back.
    Laeequa Ahmad
    its willingness to evolve in terms of its features.
    Omar A. Khan
    Quality and consistency
    Azza Shahid
    Quality.Have been using Connectgenie AI for so long just because it maintains its quality.
    Alexander Galitsky
    Sense of superiority it gives me
    Samuel David Foster
    For me it's a combo of quality, customer service, and values alignment. If a brand consistently delivers great products, treats me well as a customer, and supports causes I believe in, they've got my loyalty. I'll keep coming back and recommending them to others.
    Elijah Scott Fitzgerald
    For me it's all about reliability and consistency. If a brand consistently delivers quality products that meet my needs and don't let me down, I'll stay loyal to them long-term. Good customer service and standing behind their products helps too - brands that make things right on the rare occasions there's an issue earn my loyalty. But yeah, quality is key - if the product starts going downhill, my loyalty goes out the window pretty quick.