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  • What’s a local tradition or custom from your area that you think everyone should know about?

    Udaya Sri
    10 replies
    In India, we eat with our hands because we believe it engages all five senses and the nerve endings in our fingers help with digestion.


    Yunusa Abdullahi
    In Japan, we have the custom of bowing to greet and show respect. It is an important part of our culture.
    Nathan Covey
    Dang, looks like I need to move to India. My wife gets mad if I eat with my hands 🤣
    Udaya Sri
    @nathancovey Haha, that’s hilarious! Maybe you can get her to give it a shot, sometimes eating with your hands just makes the food taste better.
    Malka Parveen
    in my area, we have amazing street food festivals where vendors from all over showcase their best dishes.
    Udaya Sri
    @malka_parveen It must be a lot of fun to try different foods from so many vendors. I want to experience this 😋
    Karishma Yadav
    There's a craft fair where local artisans display handmade goods. It’s a fantastic way to support small businesses and find unique gifts.
    Udaya Sri
    @ka_rishma_yadav Handmade goods are precious. Do you have any favorite item you always look out for at the craft fair?
    Yunusa Abdullahi
    In Scotland, Hogmanay is a big New Year celebration with unique customs like first-footing, where the first person to enter a home brings good luck for the year.