What's one feature you always wished for in a financial management/accounting tool?

Alina Vader Lapusneanu
4 replies
What's one feature you always wished for in a business financial management/accounting tool but haven't found yet? How would it help your business or workflow?


Jonathan Tahiry
it’s far-fetched but I think a feature that always non-finance people like me to do accounting without knowing much about it 🤔
Alina Vader Lapusneanu
@jonathantahiry that means the entire product has to be geared to that, Jonathan! And I do agree with you, so many business owners are being kept away from their own cash flow by complicated accounting software. That being said, it's always good to have some high-level knowledge of finance if you run a company especially.
Jonathan Tahiry
@alina_cl 100% with you on that one! And I don’t think anyone starting a business can really get away from accounting, even me (lol). I had to get into it because nobody is going to have it done. So are you launching any accounting software/tool?