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  • What's one thing you always do to get ready for the week ahead?

    Abdul Rehman
    21 replies


    Rayyan Jawed
    I make sure i get plenty of sleep! :P
    Katerina Dedyulya
    To kickstart my week, I set aside time on Sunday to craft my “Power 3” list—the three most impactful tasks that align with my long-term goals. I visualize each one, break them down into actionable steps, and mentally rehearse crushing them. Then, I block off dedicated time on my calendar, treating them like unbreakable appointments. It’s more than just a to-do list—it’s a strategy session with my future self!
    Triforce Todos
    Triforce Todos
    Launching soon!
    @katerina_mirrart I really like the concept of the 'Power 3' list! Mentally rehearsing tasks could be a great way to boost confidence and stay focused. Do you find that this method helps improve productivity throughout the week, or do you make adjustments to the list as you go along?
    Tyrion Long
    @katerina_mirrart @abod_rehman Can't agree more! I think without accumulating small steps, there's no way to reach a thousand miles :)
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    I realised that when there is no pressure, I do everything just in time. But when I know there is some important event or so, I prepare 1 month or week in advance.
    Triforce Todos
    Triforce Todos
    Launching soon!
    @busmark_w_nika, it sounds like you’ve mastered the art of balancing spontaneity with planning! Do you have any specific strategies for avoiding feeling overwhelmed when prepping early for big events?
    Hamna Malik
    I take time on Sunday to plan my priorities for the week. It helps me stay organized and focused.
    Triforce Todos
    Triforce Todos
    Launching soon!
    @hamna_malik That's a solid strategy! Do you use specific tools or apps to organize your weekly priorities?
    Bobbi Ludwig
    Good Afternoon 🌞 on Sundays I take a few hours to collect my wins and losses from the week. if the losses are not complete losses I strategize on how to turn them into wins
    Triforce Todos
    Triforce Todos
    Launching soon!
    @ludwigsolutionsai Turning partial losses into future wins is a great mindset. Do you find that reflecting on Sunday helps you kick off the week with more clarity?
    Xinshu Ta
    to make a plan first!
    Ernest Wolfe
    Every Sunday, I plan my priorities and set small, achievable goals for the week. It helps me stay focused and start Monday with a clear game plan!
    Emon makhmudov
    I review my goals and plan my top priorities on Sunday night to start the week with clarity and focus.
    Zhou Penghua
    sometimes just rest, sometimes have to plan, really depends..
    Borja DR
    review my Google Calendar and change the color of important meetings to red. This will give me a quick overview of my day and help ensure I'm prepared for those key meetings.
    Aniyah Hoovers
    I always plan my meals for the week ahead to save time and money. 🥰🥰
    Seiko Bao
    Time blocking technique recommendation if you need! I prefer to do this at the end of my working day. It's flexible to be Fri or Sat, but briefing and summarizing what we have done that week will facilitate strong motivation and let us know what to do next week. I will decompose those tasks based on the urgent level and distribute them to different time blocking. The urgent and vital one will be on the most productive chunks, I often leave to late morning to have my coffee awake me haha. I would recommend doing it with an online calendar to help them organize the task for you, and you just need to stick to it. Don't forget to take a rest, a day to recharge your battery is vital if you want to be productive next week. Good and long sleeps are important!
    Isaac Henry Gallagher
    Totally! On Sunday evenings, I do a brain dump of everything I want to get done that week. Then I pick the top 3 things that will make the biggest impact and block dedicated time for them on my calendar. Treating them like unmissable appointments keeps me focused and accountable. The mental rehearsal part is key too - visualizing success sets me up to make it happen!
    Lily Mae Anderson
    On Sunday night I sit down, do a brain dump, and jot down my top 3 priorities for the week that will move the needle on my goals. I carve out dedicated blocks on my calendar for deep work on each of them, time blocking out all distractions. And I visualize myself absolutely crushing those key actions. It's like a power-up session with my future self to set the trajectory for an epic week ahead!
    Cedric Jude Hawthorne
    I do a weekly review on Sundays to get my mind right for the week. First, I reflect on my top goals and priorities. Then, I brainstorm my 'Big 3' - the 3 things that will move the needle most if I crush them. I time block them on my calendar like unmissable meetings. Finally, I visualize myself executing them flawlessly to get in the zone. It's like a mental dress rehearsal to prime myself for an epic week!