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  • What's the 1 Startup Book you'll recommend?

    Harris Cheng
    14 replies


    Lean Startup! Definitely learned a few things in there.
    Harris Cheng
    There are many good ones, but let me recommend one that's less popular -> Lost and Founder (by Rand Fishkin, co-founder of Moz) I love it because it's written in a very personal way from Rand. He shared his secret learnings and private stories when he met good and bad investors and how he dealt with depression. No shame on sharing a founder's fragility - every successful founder has run through lots of troughs. I just love this book. Highly recommended!
    Roland Marlow
    The $100 Startup. One of the best I've read.
    Harris Cheng
    @rmarlow have come across that many times but for some reason I havn’t started reading it yet! Thanks for the recommendation
    Julien Zmiro
    Top Product
    Monetizing Innovation by Georg Tacke and Madhavan Ramanujam. There's also a great podcast about it.
    Harris Cheng
    @zmiro havent heard of it before but will defo go for a read!
    Farjana A
    Hi there! As a SaaS Product Demo animation explainer video expert, I'd recommend reading "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries. It's a great book that teaches you how to build a startup the right way, by testing your ideas early and often.
    Daniel Zaitzow
    Lean Startup, Launch, Zero to One - Currently reading "Done" and I am thinking about digging into Hooked when that is done.
    Steve Lou
    This Is Marketing: You Can't Be Seen Until You Learn to See from Seth Godin
    Tatiana Vdovychenko
    I won't recommend the book, but this video playlist can be very helpful if you're just starting out https://www.youtube.com/playlist...
    Jasica Rose
    I know a lot of good books. I can recommend just a few. The Lean Startup by Eric Ries: This book has become a bestseller and a standard for entrepreneurs. I was so carried away by this book that I stopped even doing my homework since college, found essay writing help online, used https://edubirdie.com/essay-writ... for this. I also recommend The Art of Startup Fundraising by Alejandro Kremer: This book on startup funding includes tips on finding investors, creating a business model, and much more.