Alexa Curtis

What's the best advice you have for startup founders?


Here's mine... I've been in the startup space for 10 + years with a personal brand, here are 5 things I've learned along the way. Would love for you to comment some of your life lessons too! Everyone will think you’re doing amazing even if you feel like you’re losing your mind. Sounds crazy right?! You have to be crazy to run a startup. This lifestyle is undeniably hard yet confusing and mentally (sometimes physically) exhausting. I say this because you should know what you’re in for. If you’re working a 9-5 job and want to have a startup, time management and a virtual assistant are going to become your best friends. Make a fake assistant. Let her / him be your best friend, biggest cheerleader, and be as real as you’ll let this fake person be. Check more on Reddit about this one. The more money you put in, the more money you get out. You will need to make money and you will need to use that money and you will do this in a cycle until you don’t have to anymore. Your friendships and personal relationships will suffer if you don’t stay honest with yourself. You can rely on yourself, yourself, yourself, yourself…should I keep going on? I sleep, eat, breathe this company and have no interest in any distraction. Stop with the white lies and start being honest. Read. Last week someone told me that they don’t read because they read a lot for work and I instantly felt stupid having a conversation with this person. That sounds bad but for real bro? You don’t read for fun because you read for work? If anyone is casting for a new season of Dumb and Dumber, I’ve got a new cast member for you!

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