What's the best and worst community apps you use and why?
3 replies
Looking to learn what features stand out to you in terms of pros and cons so that I can ensure my foodie community app, Dyne (https://www.dyneapp.ca), can be as great as possible!
Freame Lucas@freame_lucas
The best community app I use is Google+. It's got a great interface and I can share things with the people I want to, and this https://rubygarage.org/blog/crea... site can help us to creat a messaging app for free. The worst community app I use is Facebook. It sucks because when you share something, it's rarely seen by the people who need to see it. It is also so addictive and time-consuming
NVSTly: Social Investing
best: discord- packed with features, always improving
worse: telegram- feels limited, and I'm not a fan of how their chat works
For me the best community app is Whatsapp, but if you consider business communication, I suppose Slack, is a global collaboration hub that makes people’s working lives simpler. At https://sloboda-studio.com/ we use it much