Good question. Books about psychotherapy! That's really weird shit I've ever read but it changed my vision of people, society and myself. Yes, it can be boring and incomprehensible but absolutely helpful for self-development.
If you don't want to dig inside so deep you can read "Transactional analysis" by Eric Berne.
overall, I think it's Man’s Search for Meaning. but more recently, it's one I didn't expect — Until the End of Time from Brian Greene. I've read some of his other books, but for some reason this one stood out. a lot of it also has to do with timing. I was going through some life-changing things at the time, so I guess that played a role.
@cristinaibunea haven't heard of either of them but Man's Search for Meaning seems really interesting. Mine would probably be The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck. Hard to implement a lot of what it talks about but for the most part it was really funny and thought-provoking!
On startups - 1. zero to one - peter theil
On running a business - 2. shoe dof - phil knight
On habit formation -3. atomic habits - james clear
On dealing with others 4. How to win friends and influence people - dale carnegie
I think Misbehaving was the most interesting book I have ever read. From the premise of Humans are irrational beings, to proving it, makes it so fun. After this book, economics was truly shown as a new pathway of behavioral economics. It makes me feel how many times humans get trapped in their irrational behaviors.
Better Simpler Strategy by Felix Oberholzer-Gee was the most life changing business book i've read. Antifragile by Nassim Taleb changed the way I saw work and the world. Probably would second Man's Search for Meaning as one of the most profoundly impactful book I've read in any genre.
This might not be a life changing book for most. For me it was my first book "How to think like Dhoni"; This book kept me engaged for someone who never reads books. So following, I started to pick more books and I m happy to give credits to my first book
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho and The Power of Intention by Michael Lewis. Both novels discuss the power of belief and how our thoughts have a powerful effect on our lives.