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  • What's the number one thing that holds you back?

    Rich Taylor
    11 replies
    Hi PH! 👋 I'm new here! I plan to launch my first project here on the 1st of June. In the meantime, I'm curious to hear what sort of things (if any) hold you back? Rich 🙂


    Paul VanZandt
    I think my lack of personal knowledge is sometimes a barrier. There are things I want to involve myself in that I simply can't because I don't know enough about the subject matter. This means there are plenty of things I need to learn about!
    Rich Taylor
    @paul_vanzandt, have a look at my response to @luka_vasic. I have a list of things I want to learn that grows at a faster rate than I can learn it! How nice would a Matrix style plug be to download the stuff we need to know! 😂 Same question to you as Luka: Are you the sort of person that would need to have the knowledge first or would you commit to a future goal and figure it out as you go?
    Paul VanZandt
    @luka_vasic @flying_hacker Every day the matrix seems more and more appealing... just kidding. I like separating professional and personal interest - and knowledge falls into this category. Professionally, I always like to start with a goal. Personally, it's nice to learn stuff and base my goals on that.
    @paul_vanzandt curiosity is power... use it wisely... I'm launching (have an MVP 95% ready) a blockchain powered social media platform and i have never even built a web site in my life haha. Solve small problems first and you will make it happen.
    Luka Vasic
    Hmm, probably knowledge. I'm still young and don't have enough knowledge to get involved in conversations that require years of experience.
    Rich Taylor
    @luka_vasic, thanks and I hear you! I'm new to tech and want to be on the cutting edge with Web3, NFT's, crypto, etc etc but am still grappling with the basics! There's not enough hours in the day for me with work and family as well but I'm peddling as fast as I can! 😂 - Enjoy all the hours in your day while you're young and use them wisely! Work while the others party so you can party later 😉 As far as age vs knowledge vs experience... far too many people get older but no smarter! People often rise to the highest level of their incompetence. I'm not sure where I read that, but it has stuck ever since. You have a HUGE advantage being young. Another question: Are you the sort of person that would need to have the knowledge first or would you commit to a future goal and figure it out as you go?
    Luka Vasic
    @flying_hacker I would say I need knowledge first, but in the past a lot of times I went into the unknown and learning along the way.
    We're in the same boat @flying_hacker ...!! I'm building W3 and can barely type an email, forget coding... but I'm a great problem solver... I will answer your og question after i read the rest of the comments...
    Hey there - usually a bit of imposter syndrome! Good luck with the launch in June 🚀🚀
    Rich Taylor
    @maxwellcdavis, tell me about it! This has been a career pivot for me and until I have some runs on the board I think I'll keep feeling like I don't belong! It's an odd curse because as humans we put people and companies on pedestals but when you pull back the curtain, they're just like us! On a side note, I have been flying planes for over a decade and am still waiting to be found out! 😂 I guess it never goes away for some people so all I can do I press on regardless.
    Money..!! [and] Not being a coder, i have to outsource my dev. Like you I am building W3 and with a low budget, it is hard to get a lot done quick enough. Knowledge is a blessing and a curse; what i plan to do is make W3 more user friendly for 'idiots' like me so my focus in on the UX. I understand what the tools within W3 are going to be and how they will change life as we know it but so far, what i find is the coders like to talk code to the coders. I have the MVP+ 95% ready but it is not optimized for mobile (which is next on the 'to do' list). As the MVP is near ready to start sharing, i am in the phase of learning how to raise funds, which led me to PH. (how do you become a 'maker' here..? Haven't come across any info on the titles yet)