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  • What's your dev/tech stack?

    Thomas Schranz ⛄️
    16 replies
    I remember just a few years ago the typical answer would have been Ruby on Rails or PHP for web apps, sprinkled with some jQuery and that's about it. Today depending on the platform (web, android, ios, …) there are tons of frameworks, programming languages, no-code and SaaS platforms to mix and match. It is difficult to keep an overview. Would love to learn more about what _your_ tech stack looks like at the moment + anything you find noteworthy about it (e.g. I heard Swift UI is great for solo-devs/designers), bonus points for sharing what you've recently built with your stack.


    Tony Yan
    vue from frontend, java for backend.
    Sean Song
    I'm kind of special here, I guess, which is hardware + signal processing: math (Matlab) - signal processing (Matlab) - electronics (EDA tools) - embedded software (GNU tool chain @ Linux / RTOS) - C/C++ and some assembly pretty old school.
    if it needs code: Laravel + Vue As you mentioned, as a solo-founder Laravel's Spark gives me all the basic things I need to test traction and scale it until it doesn't work anymore.
    Thomas Schranz ⛄️
    @keeev Spark looks interesting (also from a product point of view), how is access to it provided? is it like a zip download or a git repo?
    @__tosh as far as I can remember, after buying Spark you're "invited" to a private repo which lets you add Spark to composer and from then on subscribe to all its updates. It's pretty straight forward, like almost everything in the Laravel ecosystem.
    Sebastian Deutsch
    Rails for the backend + Svelt for the frontend
    Michael Ionita
    Good question. Nowadays my first instinct is to use no-code tools and if that does not work out, I code it myself. I use Adalo.com, Bubble.io, Airtable.com, Glideapps.com and my fav. Make.com (former Integromat) to connect things together quickly. When it comes to smart contract creation, I code them myself. Currently there are no drag & drop tools for creating complex logic that works and is safe. Still too early for that - or an opportunity for someone to create such a tool :) Hope it helps?!
    Jason Cavness
    We are using this Backend: DynamoDB and GraphQL API Frontend: NEXT js and React Files Storage: AWS S3 CDN: AWS Cloudfront Domain Management: Route 53
    Jason Cavness
    @amandatrincher because it's key-value based, so it's easy to retrieve data and it's a NoSQL so it's flexible compared to SQL type database, also it's based on AWS, so it's managed by them. I don't see disadvantages right now. We don't have too much data to store so i don't feel the performance advantage.
    Roman Mittermayr
    I use Ruby (no rails) with MySQL or DynamoDB as a back-end (it's still current and I have used it a million times, so I am incredibly fast with it), and on the front-end, ReactJS (hosted on S3 or similar) has taken over completely. If there's a mobile app, I try and use SwiftUI, if there's need to offer Android/iOS support I use ionic as a framework, or plain Cordova. I've yet to come across a problem or project that couldn't be handled using the above. I've tried and dropped SCSS, ExpressJS, GraphQL, Tailwind, Bootstrap, Angular, Vue, Go and many more simply because they weren't backwards compatible, caused more work than assistance, or required me to adopt my workflow considerably to work 'around the tool', which I try to avoid. Nothing worse than inheriting or handing over a project that runs on an old version of 'something' and the tool of choice has long left the hype cycle and is a pain to get going again.
    Eelco Wiersma
    I've been using Meteor (MongoDB) until version 1.9. It really helped me build things by myself really fast, that would be impossible with other stacks. But it gave a lot of headache with scaling as well. Some tools that helped me scale Meteor. - Redis (Oplog-redis) - Elasticsearch - RabbitMQ Don't have a new favourite stack yet, haven't found something as productive as Meteor (without too much lock-in) yet. But it'll be serverless and I'm sticking to React and some kind of node backend.
    Amine LEMAIZI
    Core base is Python either Fastapi or Django, then Tailwind for the theming part. JQuery for anything related to JS.
    Sam Carlton
    I've been loving the Astro framework, as it lets you use Vue, React, Svelte, or whatever you prefer all within the same files, for example: React inside Vue Component Slots For hosting, Netlify or Vercel as they can scale plenty for whatever you need. I've been trying to keep application data stored as Markdown if it's under 1k records since it plays well with Astro and can be edited directly on GitHub. For any data that may be sensitive I've been hearing good things about Supabase, but I haven't worked much with sensitive data lately.
    Aleksandr V
    Hi Thomas, I've been using PHP for the last 12 years at least, however for my current project I switched completely to JS (in some places TS). The reason for that is constant switching between PHP on backend and JS on frontend became too much annoying, so I decided to give it a try :) So for InsiderBuyStock.com my stack is: Hosting: AWS: EC2 for demons, Amplify for Web Backend: NodeJs + ExpressJs DB: MongoDB Frontend: NextJs + Tailwind css + Tailwind UI Payments: Stripe Emails: Mailgun Analytics: GA + ChartMogul