What's your most productive day of the week?

Relja Denic
24 replies
Main is Thursday


Susan Fischer
Tuesdays, or wednesdays for absolutely no reasons at all
Mondays! Fresh start of the week. Lots of ideas from the weekend to execute.
Shen-Ho Lui
Monday too! I find that starting the week fresh and motivated helps me tackle tasks more efficiently. Plus, I've had the weekend to recharge, so I'm raring to go on Monday mornings :)
Jawad Tijani
Mondays indeed are special. You get back to work fresh and ready to conquer!
albert jhon
Obviously Monday. Usually on this day I work on my Website.
Olena Bomko
Most weeks, it's Sunday 😂
Ivan Dudin
Monday. Though it's by mood and task
Shibbir Ahmad
Today for sure, cause today I had a tour with my lovely family!
Dzmitry Tsemirau
For me these are Monday till Thursday. I don't see any difference in productivity between them.
Mehraz Morshed
Its Sunday! In Bangladesh, weekdays are from Sunday to Thursday. Friday + Saturday are the weekend.
Elena Tsemirava
For me it is usually Monday before luch
Isa Tanis
End of the Mondays when I have no notifications
Sara jalildokhti
i feel like mine is on wedensdays!
Kate Chasten
except for Mondays which I hate, I think I'm productive during the week.
Yavuz Tunc Emran
Every day is a productive day when you're running the show! 💪